Pastor Role In Church Administration

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Pastor Role in Church Administration

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In Christianity, Jesus Christ is believed to be the son of God, which came to redeem people. After the original sin of Adam and Eve, humankind survived for the redemption. The redeemer is Jesus Christ, who was crucified by the Romans after being accused, by the Jews in Jerusalem, of heresy for pretending to be the Messiah, and whose resurrection after 3 days astonished people, especially his own disciples. After another 40 days, Jesus Christ went up into heaven. After another 9 days, the Holy Spirit was sent down to earth in order to lead the faithful and to give consolation to them. God is the Holy Trinity in Christian tradition: The Father, The Son, and The Holy-Spirit. Later, the Christian church developed into a more and more powerful institution, which secures the tradition of belief and teaching. Although crusades have occurred, the Christian doctrine is against force and tends toward peace on earth. In this paper I will be highlighting the significance of pastoral work in churches and the role that pastors should perform keeping in view the concept for which Christian Churches were established.

Pastor Role in Church Administration

Who is a Pastor?

The idea comes from the pastor's pastoral tradition of Israel. The breeding of animals, especially sheep, feeding and care, protection and correction, served as examples for the spiritual care of God's people. God is often identified as the Good Shepherd, as expressed in Psalm 23. Jesus identifies himself as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep, which achieves obedient sheep who heed his voice and follow him, and who protects his sheep so that no one shall snatch them out of his hand (Yvenes, 2005). Pastors today should consider the pastoral character of God and the pastoral life of Jesus as a professional model.

Role and Authority of a Pastor in a Church

First it is important to note that pastors are at number four on the list of spiritual gifts in Ephesians 4, and are a more integral spiritual leadership team of the church. The current concentration in the pastoral authority is represented by a single person, not quite biblical. The biblical pastoral role is not much to do with authority, but to feed and teach. On the other hand, there is no doubt that the Bible teaches spiritual and pastoral leadership, we must also take into account that it is likely that the terms "pastor", "bishop", "presbyter" and "elder" are synonymous in the Bible (Plante, 2008).

The pastor has an important educational role in the church. Pastors, along with teachers, are needed to strengthen the churches. This occurs through teaching, pastoral care and spiritual leadership. It is remarkable that a Greek phrase defines an association between pastors and teachers; "pastors" and "teachers" are united in a special way. It is necessary to maintain a good balance between administrative tasks, tasks of teaching and pastoral care duties. The pastor should ensure good for all three areas, but also ...
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