Perceptions Of Psychology

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Perceptions of Psychology

Perceptions of Psychology

Interview 1

According to the first interviewee, Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and experience, of how humans feel, think, learn and know to adapt to their environment. Modern psychology has devoted to collecting facts about behavior and experience, and systematically organizes, develop theories for their understanding. These theories help understand and explain the behavior of humans and on occasion even to predict their future actions, and can speak on them (Neil, 2008).

Historically, psychology has divided into several areas of study. However, these areas are interrelated and frequently overlap each other. Physiological psychology, for example, studies how the brain and nervous system, while the applied, experimental psychology laboratory techniques to study, for example, perception or memory. Psychologists attempt to explain how we perceive, learn, memorize, solve problems, communicate, feel and relate to other people at all stages of life in close relationships and community.

The areas of psychology can also be described in terms of application areas. Social psychologists, for example, are interested in social environmental influences on the individual and how they act in groups. Industrial psychologists studying the working environment of workers and educational psychologists study the behavior of individuals and social groups in educational settings (Hergenhahn, 2005). Clinical psychology, finally, tries to help those with problems in their daily lives or suffer from some mental disorder. Psychologists concentrate on the mental emotional disturbances social and personal problems psychotherapy or improving morale and group relations. Psychology is continuously redefined since the end of the twentieth century.

Interview 2

According to the second interviewee, psychological studies life and use that knowledge in various fields of human action, e.g. experimentally investigates the best ways to measure intelligence and the various cognitive functions. Psychology is the study of psychic phenomena, of the subjective life of its measurement and few relationships between ...
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