Personal Artifact

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Personal Artifact

Personal Artifact

The Description

People have different possessions sometimes called artifacts, to which they have emotional attachments. These object maybe a totem, a ring or even cell phones.

The following write-up is about my personal artifact, which is very dear to me as I am emotionally attaching to it. My primary interest, however, is to explore the background of the object which is in my possession. I am interested in the origin of the object, for e.g. to which it belonged what was the effort taken to achieve that object. Artifacts can be distinguished from the main body of the archaeological record such as strata graphic features, which are non-portable remains of human activity, such as hearths, roads, or deposits and remains, and from bio-facts or eco-facts. These are objects of archaeological interest made by other organisms, such as seeds or animal bone (Simon, 2010, Pp 123-156).

This new artifact that I have just found is very interesting to me. I have read about lots of stuff but never have I heard of a blackberry. I took it to be some gadget but was very unaware of what it used for. It had a dark blank screen without any buttons, except for the three that are on the side. On the back, of the blackberry, there is a camera; I could certainly make out what that was because it said 3.2 MP Autofocus. Also, on the bottom of the back, it had a check with the name Verizon, I had no clue what that meant either. I came to a conclusion that this is going to take lots of investigating. I opened the back of the blackberry to find a battery, a Sims, and a memory card. Since, it had a battery I knew that I would have to find a charger to charge this blackberry to see ...
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