Personal Development Plan

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Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan

Current position and responsibilities

I am currently employed in a privately owned family business where I am working as a Quality Control Manager. The nature of my job requires me to report directly to the business owner and his three sons who are e-commerce manager, departmental head manager and business development manager respectively. As per my daily responsibilities, I perform a wide range of duties to ensure the smooth running of critical operations in various business departments such as Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Health and Safety, Health and Hygiene, Dispatch, Purchase and Packaging.

As far as my staff management responsibilities are concerned, it is solely my responsibility to manage the different departments and the staff within them. Therefore, I have to collaborate with my colleagues and ensure a continuous improvement in quality standards. Furthermore, it is imperative that I maintain a healthy two-way channel of communication with the production staff so that issues that cause a delay in productivity can be effectively highlighted and resolved.

I am also an inspector of raw materials and finished goods and it is solely my responsibility to liaise with the production staff on issues pertaining to product quality. I am also tasked to conduct regular rounds of the production facilities to overlook the different stages of the production process. I also train staff on the compliance and safe usage of packaging machines and ensure the timely investigation and prevention of industrial losses. Part of my job description is to identify inconsistencies in production output and investigate their root cause.

Skills Audit

After undergoing a skills audit, I have come to realize that I need to hone and develop mu oral communications skills in order to enhance my productivity and efficiency. For instance, I admit that I lack a general understanding of the basic formats and structures of oral communications, particularly those essential for effective communication on the telephone and in meetings. Therefore, even though I have rated my oral communication skills rather high in the skills audit, I confess that there is ample room for improvement.

Another area that needs much focus and honing is my interpersonal skills. During my work experience, I have learned that I am not that successful at building positive lasting relationships with my staff understanding of certain. A key reason for this inability could be my propensity to be insensitive to the needs of others. i also know for a fact that ...
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