Personalised Medicine

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The future is personalised medicine

Personalized Medicine Personalized medicine (genomics, proteomics and pharmacogenetics) is "the form of medicine that uses the information in the genes, proteins and a person's environment to prevent, diagnose and treat disease" or put another way "design and implementation strategies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment tailored to specific genetic and molecular profile of each individual and pathology” (Willard, 2009, pp. 78-96)

Personalized medicine could have a real impact on the future of health care and that, in several key sectors, namely:

Diagnosis: obtaining genetic information could help to further clarify the genetic variant of the disease suffered by a patient or his predisposition to certain diseases.

Patient selection: biomarkers can help physicians guide their decisions about treatment to administer to their patients by providing information that helps determine which patients are most likely to respond favorably to a given treatment.

The development of medicines: combining data on genetics and the biological relevance of a drug, pharmaceutical research companies may be able to make decisions faster and more informed throughout the process of developing a drug. (Sadee, 2005, Pp. 78-96)


Pharmacogenomics refers to the study of the variability in gene expression in response to certain drugs. In studies carried out pharmacogenomic approaches that take into account the characteristics of genomic sequences by a comprehensive vision that would include interactions between genes, for example. The goal of pharmacogenomics is the development of drugs for each patient and tailored to their genetic conditions. (Qing, 2008, pp. 236-245)


Pharmacogenetics explains that individual variations in drug response may be due to the effects of age, sex, disease or drug interactions, but now is well established that many of these reactions are genetically determined. (Acharya, 2008, Pp. 89-113)


Metabonomics measures the fingerprint of biochemical perturbations caused by disease, drugs or toxins [M1, M2, M3]. A metabonomic study takes place in three steps: obtaining biopsies or biofluids containing the metabolic markers, the extraction of these metabolic data and to analyze data sets. (Willard, 2009, pp. 78-96)


Metabolomics is the study and comparison of the metabolome, ie the collection of all metabolites (low molecular weight molecules) present in a cell, tissue or organism at a given time. These metabolites include intermediary metabolism, hormones and other signaling molecules, and secondary metabolites. (Willard, 2009, pp. 78-96)


Proteomics, a term covering several disciplines aimed at understanding and monitoring proteins is an emerging field. The Human Genome Project has unveiled an important aspect of the molecular basis of life: DNA makes RNA makes protein. All human proteins are determined by the sequence of nucleotides (DNA base), which is now known with 99.6 per 100 accuracy. (Potti et al, 2006, pp. 355- 570)

Benefits personalized medicine

Blood clots.

Before the availability of the molecular basis of detection of the genome, the dosage of warfarin or Sintrom, which is prescribed thousands of times, it was a dangerous game in which very little amount of drug could lead to more clots and an excess of the same can cause serious ...
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