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Interaction Design for Pervasive Computing

Interaction Design for Pervasive Computing


Many new technologies have been emerging from time to time. These innovative and contemporary technologies have emerged in different fields and have made the processes much easier. New technologies present progressive developments in their respective fields. During the last few years, there has been a massive increase in the invention of such technologies which have made our lives easier and interactive. The broad acceptance of the World Wide Web and its growing capacity has led to new visions in the technology industry. The idea of the grid represents a global computing and data network with others immense computing and storage resources in view. The Semantic Web is static, syntax-based Web with machine-readable and metadata technologies. This resulted in new approaches like the Semantic Grid, as it were a service-oriented, enriched with metadata Grid and Pervasive Computing (also: Ubiquitous Computing) and the Ambient Intelligence vision.

There is still no concrete definition for the set of concepts that form the area of human-computer interaction. In general terms, we might say that it is the discipline that studies the exchange of information between people and computers. It is responsible for the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive technology devices by studying the largest number of cases that may affect them. The aim is that the exchange more efficient, reduce errors, increase satisfaction, reduce frustration and ultimately more productive to work around people and computers.


Computer graphics grew out of the use of CRT and early use of stylus. That led to the development of pioneering techniques for human-computer interaction. Many of these date from 1963, the year when Ivan Sutherland developed Sketchpad for his doctoral thesis, which marked the beginning of computer graphics. Since that time it has continued to work in this field, creating and improving the algorithms and hardware that can display and manipulate objects with much more realism and all that, in order to achieve interactive graphics. Some advances were related to attempts to reach a human-computer symbiosis, an increase of human intellect and the Dynabook and Smalltalk (Bloomfield, 1993, 75). From here came the foundations of human-computer interaction, as in the case of the mouse, bitmapped displays, personal computers, the desktop metaphor and the windows and pointers to click. Furthermore, the fact of working with operating systems led to the creation of new techniques to interface input / output, time controls, and to support multiprocessors that were opened or had various displays animations.

Since human-computer interaction studies communication between humans and machines, this causes it to have to have some knowledge on the part of both human and machine. The machines need to have a proper operating system, graphical techniques, programming languages ??and development environments (Kurian & Graham, 1996, 23). On the other hand, it is important to have some previous knowledge, and communication theory, graphic design disciplines and industrial, linguistic, social sciences, cognitive psychology and human functioning.

In order to have a more rough on the field of human-computer interaction that specializes ...
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