Phobic Disorder- Achluophobia (Fear Of Darkness)

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Phobic Disorder- Achluophobia (Fear of Darkness)

Phobic Disorder- Achluophobia (Fear of Darkness)


In today's world there are many people who are suffering from various types of fears and phobias. These phobias have taken control of them for varying reasons. Some people might have a phobia due to some trauma or incident that has taken place in the past. This trauma's now control their thoughts which trigger their emotions. Such emotions might be the fear of being in that particular situation. The fear of being in a certain situation or a particular object is so intense that the person at times feels very anxious and troubled. Many times people try to hide their fears from the people they are with. But the thing is that it is curable and it can only be effectively treated when the person will bring it to the knowledge of someone. That could be his friend or relative or his doctor.


Phobia is derived from the Greek word “Phobos” meaning fear. It is defined as the persistent and strong fear of various objects or situations that makes an individual to avoid it. In the medical terminology, it is used as suffix to various types of fears (Fisher, 1991). There are many types of phobias, out of which few are given below:

Acrophobia - fear of heights

Claustrophobia - fear of having no escape and being closed in

Ergophobia - fear of work or functioning

Erotophobia - fear of sexual love or sexual abuse

Erythrophobia - pathological blushing

Obesophobia - fear of obesity

Oikophobia - fear of home surroundings and household appliances

Ombrophobia - fear of rain

Achluophobia - fear of darkness

There are many more various types of phobias which cannot be discussed here. The important aspect is that there is no harm in being a part of any of these types of phobia. But it is very important that the person or individual who is suffering from such kind of fear must consult his or her doctor. The person should not be ashamed of his fears at it is very normal that he is suffering from some kind of phobia. And it is also very important for the society to help him and support him so that he can get rid of his fears.

The type of phobia under discussion will be “Achluophobia”. This phobia will be discussed in great detail including its causes and symptoms. It will also be seen that how can this disease be cured.



Achluophobia is the fear or phobia of darkness. The person suffering from Achluophobia also becomes anxious at dusk. It is also possible that the sufferer is afraid of not seeing properly at night time (Duffey, 2008). The impact of this fear might be so intense that the sufferer might not sleep until the lights are switched on. It is a common fear among many children as they are afraid of the darkness. It is more common among children but it is also found in adults to a varying extent. The children encounter the problem because they do not have the kind of understanding. And sometimes they fear that something will happen suddenly and they will ...
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