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Physical Fitness and its Importance

Physical Fitness and its Importance

Tasks of Lesson 20:

Benefits of Exercise

The human body, the person, for proper physical and psychological functioning must have a physical and a proper bodybuilding. When this fails, muscle aches and joint pains. Humans designed to work actively, inactivity leads to a malfunction of the whole organism. Improving the quality of life, independence, our physical capabilities, make us feel more secure and increase our self-esteem. Some of the potential benefits of exercise are enlisted below:

In almost all exercises, increased socialization of the individual is a common benefit.

Reduce stress.

We increased our leisure activities, making us happier.

We increased our topics of conversation, augmented by our ability to socialize it.

Traumatism falls and recovers the normal state rather than a sedentary person.

Lowers cholesterol, the risk of stroke, lowers blood if high

The strengthening of our bodies makes us more alert, more balance and we have a complex reaction time more efficiently and quickly, so that the drops and bumps are reduced.

Importance of Overall Fitness

Physical activity and exercise are two different things, any exercise that is performed is physical activity, but not all physical activity is exercise. Physical exercise is any regular and systematic practice of physical activity that results in improved physical fitness and motor skills. A physical activity is attributed to a number of beneficial effects. It is fully demonstrated that controlled physical exercise improves the quality of life, creates habits much healthier and reduces the risk of sudden death and coronary heart disease. In short, helps maintain health and wellbeing.

Why body composition analysis is important and how it can help you with your personal fitness program.

Body Composition Analysis is the first step towards ideal weight loss. Body composition analysis gives you a report which tells you about how much fat and muscle percentage is there in your body at different parts (Kuczmarski, Flegal, 2000, p. 1067). BCA also tells you what your daily caloric requirement is and how many calories you require to maintain the same weight.

What body composition is and at least 2 methods for how it is measured

Body composition analysis determines the amount and type of weight. Just measuring weight cannot tell you how much of your weight water, muscle or fat is. When trying to lose weight, it is important to lose fat, without sacrificing muscle or bone. We use a state of the art body composition analysis with the InBody520 by Biospace. This machine utilizes bio-impedance of each segment of the body (arms, legs, and torso) at 5, 50 and 500 KHz.

Tasks of Lesson 21:

Definitions of obese and overweight

Being overweight means you have an excess amount of body weight, compared to set standards. This excess weight may come from muscle, bone, fat and/or body water.

• Being obese means you have an excess amount of body fat. Everyone needs a certain amount of body fat for stored energy, heat insulation and other functions.

• Men with more than 25 percent body fat ...
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