Play Script

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Play Script

Play Script: One Bad - All Bad

Scene Development

Monica a young lady, living in Minto, North Dakota for quite a sometime. She likes the town and has been an active in community participation. The town is small and most of the people know and respect each other. Monica, a nerd sort of lady has throughout her life been sensitive to people comments and takes it very seriously. A simple girl, fond of book spend most of her time in reading in town's library Minto Community Centre.

John and Anna were employees at Minto Community Centre and has been very kind to every person visits the center. Monica most of the times seeks help from John, and things were going smooth for every one of them. Yet! Realizing the growing number of customers at community center, they hired a new person Jessica. Wherever Jessica goes trouble follows, is simple interpretation of her. Then things started to change, as Jessica doesn't follow the rules and policies of the institution and is not much kind to her. Her treatment of the customers annoys them, and refrain them from visiting community center.

Scene One

Like normal days, customers and employees of community center are engage in their own activities. Monica step into the center.

Jessica: Hello Mam, how may I can help today??

Monica: Is, John here?? I need to find a book and I think he can help!!

Jessica: John, the egghead is asking for you!

John: Jessica, you shall not be naming customers like this.

Jessica: Oohh! I got it, than what I shall call that bitch…

Monica: Heard Jessica and feeling a bit ashamed of her appearance

John: Expressing his discontent but left without replying to her.

Monica: Hey… Can you guide me where can I find “The Two Noble Kinsmen”

John: Certainly… It's in the third row, second shelf

Monica. Thank you…

John: Jessica would you please help her to locate the book please

Jessica: Ohh come on… you already told her where it is

Monica to John: No no… its perfectly fine I can look for it myself.

Scene Two

John engages in discussion with Jessica:

John: Jessica, you are new here and I feel that it is my duty to explain what importance customer holds for our center. We all are like family, many of them are coming here for many years so its better you treat them nicely and well.

Jessica: (In avoiding manner) yeah….Please don't start to lecture me on this ok… I know this shit.

John: Just think…this is a community center and we treat everyone like family now please goes back to your work.

Scene Three:

John was not in the center, and Anna will be handling most of the customers then Monica arrived at the center

Monica to Anna: Hey… I borrowed a book yesterday I wonder if you can find similar plays to me. I needed them to complete an assignment.

Anna: Jessica will you please help the lady… She

Anna to Monica: She will help you in this regard

Jessica: Come over here…

Monica: Hey… I don't see John here… Is he ...
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