Police In U.S.

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Police in U.Ss


The concept of "national security" is commonly included in international practice since 1947, when the U.S. adopted the Law on national security.

Currently, the U.S. has the most developed structure of national security. This system is based largely on the provisions of the Act. The law was designed based on the experience of foreign and defense policy in the U.S. during World War II, as well as the features that define the American approaches to security in specific historical conditions. In the decades that separate institutions have been reformed, new, but in general the system has maintained its continuity. National Security Council is the main tool for coordinating U.S. president's foreign policy and international relations. (Deflem, 2004)


Question No 1

United States should combine all police agencies into one national police organization because presently the system is completely decentralized, based on the principle of social cooperation. The powers are clearly divided between the federal, state and municipal levels of the police, which is affecting the cooperation level for National security. The current implemented system is due to the Commission of Inquiry which also known as Board of Knappa.

The commission was formed in 1970 which revealed numerous violations in the police system of America. Legislatively established the principle on which the guide bore full responsibility for violations of their subordinates. Each police department was set up its own security and there was a secret informant who reported on violations of police work. These innovations have been supplemented by ever-stricter professional screening and multiple higher salaries. That is why United States should combine all police agencies into one national police organization. (John, 2007)

Question No 2

We know from history that the process of international consolidation of police forces against crime began in 1923 at the Second International Congress of Criminal Police Office in Vienna (Austria), when it created the International Criminal Police Commission. Later, in 1956, it was renamed the International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol.

It is obvious that if there would be a centralized system of police in US then it is compulsory to have a same criminal justice system. The main reason for the centralization of criminal justice system is to deal with the crimes in more efficient and effective manner. By the help of centralized criminal justice system, crime rate will decrease gradually as well as strict polices will have a positive impact on the society. Centralized criminal ...
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