Popular Geopolitics

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Popular Geopolitics

Popular Geopolitics


Significant changes affect relations between nations, the reorganization of power relations between the established powers and emerging powers, difficulties or failures of anticipation and foresight required to reinvest in the field of international relations.

The time now is for the geopolitical and strategic real bifurcations which should be rethinking both in its traditional components, in which new players, developing an approach in terms of national interests, which are comfortable, and its new elements in terms of vectors of influence and speakers participating in the decision. The new formats are developed negotiation (G20, G77, G8, and G2) and are less stable alliances, coalitions of interest are less durable, soft power registries diversify with technical progress. The U.S. administration emphasizes the right to generalized connectivity in emerging states of pre-democratic regime. We will be discussing the influence of geopolitics in the today's era, and also, will discuss its impact on Call of Duty which is a game.


The idea of the geopolitical is no invention of the present. As a concept and as a practice of power politics, the geopolitics is long before the emergence of linguistic expression in the late 19th Century. The link between the word components of "geo" (> Earth <) and "politics" refers to a far back into ancient European way of thinking, which tends to the political way in relation to a specific area, a country to define a geographic area.

Investigations are assembled here but not so much to explore geo-political phenomena and relationships from a sociological or political science perspective. Nor it is their intention to design their own theory of geopolitics. Geopolitics is also used in the medium of fiction that is produced primarily in the literature, but also in film and other visual media (Dodds, 2007).

We are in the season of significant events within the perspective of international relations, economic crisis in Europe due to its financial statements, future elections in the United States of America, and continuing fallout Arabic Spring, particularly in Republic Syrian Arab or the gradual consolidation of Republic China as an economic, political and military power. All these events, are worthy of being analyzed again and again, on the front pages of newspapers around the world, or even in the cinema. The crisis that is going on in recent times, in one of the main centers of power in the Western world, the United States of America, has impacted the film productions as well (O'Loughlin, 1991).

Indeed, we firmly believe that Europe and the United States of America may weigh the economic instability, which are currently experiencing, if reprise their "comparative advantages", particularly, the experience and knowledge, knowing adjust to new paradigms that presents a world in which there is the existence of challenges and new players are no longer the "science fiction film" but a present reality.

The tension between socio-economic processes of globalization and the existing meaning of geopolitics as a socio-spatial control strategy has been previously processed insufficiently. Many of the theories of Pacification of the world society ...
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