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ELEMENT 1 - Essay Structure

This paper provides the details of the CBI Higher Education Task Force report 'Stronger together: Businesses & universities in turbulent times' (2009). It start s with an introduction and then a proper discussion is given, along with the conclusion to the topic.

ELEMENT 2 - Written Evidence


With the UK's higher education system embattled both by the recession and by competition from abroad, business must do even more to work with universities and the government to help maintain the UK's international competitiveness, according to a report by the CBI.

The report, which the CBI says is the culmination of a year's work by its Higher Education Task Force, says that current public funding levels are unsustainable as a result of the rapid rise in student numbers, coupled with a severe strain on public finances. (CIHE 2006)


The report, 'Stronger together - businesses and universities in turbulent times', highlights the vital contribution that excellence in higher education makes to business competitiveness. It argues that "new thinking is required on the financing, structure and mission of our universities if they are to sustain and strengthen their position in a rapidly changing environment". This means that government, universities and students, as well as business, will have to do more if they are to maintain the strength and the quality of higher education in the UK.

The CBI says that UK's higher education sector is one of the most successful in the world, and the report acknowledges that universities are a "vital public good". Business needs excellent universities to produce the graduates, research and innovation needed to drive economic growth and prosperity. (HEFCE 2005)

The UK compares quite favourably with similar countries on how many young people go to university, and undergraduate numbers have risen by 35% since 1997. However, the proportion of UK graduates taking science, technology, engineering and math degrees has declined by 20% since 1999-2000, and the CBI wants to see more young people to continue with these subjects after the age of 16.

The report looks at the future of one of the world's most successful HE sectors, as it faces tough choices as a result of the recession, increasing competition from abroad and unsustainable public funding levels. (CIHE 2006)

The economic downturn makes cuts to public funding for HE inevitable, so new sources of funding have to be found. Universities and business must work together to preserve the quality of teaching and research, waste in the HE system must be cut, with universities sharing more of their services and consolidating to make efficiencies.

In order to maintain this world-class higher education system, universities and government cannot deliver this service alone and there is a vital role for business to play as new thinking is required on the financing, structure and mission of our universities if they are to sustain and strengthen their position in a rapidly changing environment. (HEFCE 2005)

Effective collaboration between the higher education sector, business and government will be critical to the UK's economic recovery and sustainable international ...
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