Post Cold War Era

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Post Cold War Era

Post Cold War Era


The problem that began in 1969, sought as part of the East-West relations to improve the political atmosphere to greater rationality and transparency in armaments, is essential to increasing cooperation in various fields. It aids in enhancing cooperation in fields like economy, science and culture as well as provides facilities in the humanitarian field and more freedom of movement for people, information and opinions. By creating mutual dependencies and integration through interest, a network of relations are established, the two sides brought benefits to its continuation. Therefore, both sides were interested, and its destruction by either side without affecting its own important interests could be taken.

Unlike the Cold War of the, and ideological conflict between East and West as a given, political power even as acceptable and inevitable only opponent. By providing a strong military potential threat of an attack to deter, it was found that the policy of détente is voltage level of West-East conflict and to reduce the basis of the status. Military factors should be increasingly less important to get one and the military competition of other; more peaceful forms of competition are gradually replaced (Kristensen, 2007).


The decision to end the Vietnam War was an important step to initiate this new policy. With the inauguration of President Richard M. Nixon on 20 January 1969 and the appointment of Harvard Professor Henry A. Kissinger on the National Security Advisor to the United States began a phase of American foreign policy (Walton & Gray, 2007). On one hand, by the search for an "honorable peace" in Vietnam and by efforts to move closer to the Soviet Union and China has been characterized. Thus, introducing the "era of negotiations" now no longer referred only to the field of arms control, but soon encompassed a wide spectrum of politics, economy and society (Sagan, 1997). For a time, much of the world was enthralled and captivated by this offering, according to the ad format, many intellectuals of the Third World, "would end forever to poverty, ignorance, injustice and inequities - and the consequent rebellions and open conflict over the twentieth century.

Another hope to start the Cold War era was nuclear disarmament, which had fought the peace of the world for so many years. Apart from that, many funding for military spending is channeled into the long-awaited sustained development and environmental protection. Also ...
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