Post Feminism

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Analysing Race, Gender & Sexuality in Popular Culture

Analysing Race, Gender & Sexuality in Popular Culture


The paper aims to emphasize on the understanding of theories regarding race, gender as well as sexuality with respect to popular culture. Also, the paper explains and reveals the post feminist approach of the Sex and the City. The media has turned into the key to setting codes of sexual conduct. It is the source that casts judgments and establishes the rules in play. In the communication channels, feminism is belittled. It is necessary to terminate this type that the ritualistic disempowerment of feminism is a strategy that includes the past and the mark as belonging to another generation is outdated. It would be very simple to trace a pattern in the media about the issue, starting from the popular feminism in the early 90s to their right place in the middle of the decade. We need a more conceptual scheme developed to account for this simultaneous feminization popular media with this accumulation of fearful and ambivalent responses. We would have certainly signalling rights acquired by women in the West of all ages as active consumers of media and products that promote this. We would also be able to theorize the feminine conquests not as the fruit of feminism, but the 'feminine individualism' success that now seems to be based incentive for young people.

Post Feminism is defined by class, age, and racial exclusions. Post feminist mass media takes for granted that the pleasures and lifestyles with which it is associated are somehow universally shared and universally accessible. Media and literature scholars based in the United States and United Kingdom provide an array of perspectives on the social and political implications of post-feminism. Among several essays investigating the origins of this pervasive cultural phenomenon is a compelling argument. The post-feminism is more than a simple backlash against second-wave feminism.


Sex and the City is based on Western consumer culture, where woman strives to achieve a successful career and financial independence in order to take control over their own lives and enjoy their freedom. Sex and the City unites the old ideals `True love and 'happily ever after with new ideals that transforms the self, gives women new choices and opportunities for self-realization. There is a great interest among young girls for the film - Sex and the City. It includes fashion, glamour and female friendship. Public debate often discusses the series' impact on its audience. Some believes that the series teach reactionary women's designs, while others consider the series describes the general human problems and relationships, primarily in women's lives.

Series mainly teaches women to deal with love and relationships, skills that many times described as female. Series and soap operas are also considered a part of women's everyday life and identity work and represents diversity, change and testing attitudes of the characters. On the other hand, they can also be perceived as preservative and clamping role models in terms of gender systems and ...
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