Post-Abortion Syndrome

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Post-abortion Syndrome

Is there a Post-abortion Syndrome??

Yes, there is obviously post-abortion syndrome (PAS) and it affects everyone. This syndrome is in a form of post-suffering stress disorder. It is a process in which a woman make a choice to abort his baby and after doing that she experiences grief, regret and pain for a very long time and this feelings are certainly so traumatic and stressful. The one who is going through with that trauma tries to forget the tribulation and to ignore the pain which comes from the result of abortion. The “post-abortion syndrome” is a term which was first used by Vincent Rue in 1981. He proposed this term to elaborate this phenomenon. It has been popularized to describe a wide assortment of adverse emotional reactions which comes as a result of abortion.

Many people do not connect it with the abortion experience. But at some point memories re-emerge ant the truth can no longer be shorn of about the loss. Nobody can deny the truth and reality. When this moment comes in one's life then obviously this feeling and stress reveals itself and causes a disturbance for a millions of life. Yeah but we can say that the symptoms of this syndrome will not just appear after the abortion nor it like that each type of symptom will be experienced by every woman. Each woman can has different types of experiences in this traumatic-disorder. To some woman it may occur soon after an abortion and to some at a later time. The identification of this syndrome is very easy. If someone has more than two of any symptoms of it then he could be a victim of post-abortion syndrome.

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It has been explored that women who experience an abortion can effect by many emotional aspects which ultimately ...