Prevention And Intervention Programs For Delinquent Youth

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Prevention and Intervention Programs for Delinquent Youth

Prevention and Intervention Programs for Delinquent Youth


Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to understand the successful prevention and intervention program the delinquent youth. A lot of importance is given to this area of study since the quantity of young delinquent is increasing day by day, which needs a lot of focus of societies and communities to help bring the percentage down. There are many studies and government report that proves that majority of the adult criminals that are there have a previous record of childhood crimes.


A lot of importance is given to this section, of delinquency youth because it has been discovered that major development in an individual mainly takes places during the adolescence and childhood and that is the right time that the family members and the surrounding should focus on the proper development of children by providing them actual support so that they can develop and learn in a positive way. High importance is given to this matter because the crisis is increasing of juvenile that take place because of the transformation of youth into poor characters.

Literature Review

Prevention to this crisis is a very major part, and specific measures started to emerge since two decades about the focus on supporting the young even before these behavioral problems began, practitioners and investigators found ways to address this circumstances to the schools, families, peer groups and communities about the lives of their children. And the field of prevention has been constantly evolving till this time. The older prevention programs did not focus on the research and theory about the development of the child or the factors that contributed towards influencing the child. But these prevention strategies start changing as many new programs were introduced for prevention and specifically these programs were evolved because it was showing no positive results on the youth's usage of drug, sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, delinquent behavior, or even school failure (Catalano, Berglund,, 2004),

There was a turning point that took place in the providers of the services and investigators that started gathering information from different longitudinal studies that analyzed major predictors of the behavior problems in the youth. A different level of prevention of generation attempt was used to predict information to that resulted in generating behavioral problems. Specific programs like the prevention of drug abuse that was started to analyze the interpreter of usage of drug during the adolescent, like social influence and peer that end up in using drugs, the social activities that promote or ignore these kinds of behaviors (Anonymous, 2012).

Efforts for preventing these crises were often followed by theories and the way people made decisions. But during the 1980's it was observed that some of the efforts that were made to prevent these juvenile behavior focused on just one problem that then had to face a lot of criticism since there were many problem areas that needed the focus for the preventative measures. The major prevention models were than forced to ...
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