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Problem Statement

What is the importance of taking personal responsibility of your health?

Personal responsibility in health care


The personal responsibility of a person in the healthcare system includes all those activities and preventions that can save a person from getting affected by any kind of diseases. It emphasizes that if a person follows a healthy lifestyle comprising of proper eating schedules, excercies, regular doctor checkups, avoid smoking, alcohol and other harmful substances, he/she will remain perfectly healthy. There are a lot of effective healthcare programs and if a person follows them thoroughly, there are minimum chances of him getting any sort of disease (Allen, pp 11-13).

Human beings are unique and delegated administrators of their own body which includes plural, physical, mental and emotional body. Apart from that, the body of the soul and the environment is also a part of body. Therefore we should take full charge on our own to take personal responsibility of our healthcare in order to live a healthy living (Eastman, Ruhland, pp 45). Difficulties in changing diet

Starting a diet can be overwhelming. If a person is trying to make dietary changes to lose weight or improve his health, it can be tough to know where to begin. Starting small and incorporating changes into his lifestyle will help boost his chances of success and will give a sense of accomplishment and it results in making that person shedding pounds and feeling healthier.

There are a lot of harmful diseases that can affect a human body immensely such as heart disease, blood pressure, sleep apnea, diseases of gall bladder, and risk of stroke. All these diseases can occur because of being overweight and they can only be prevented if a person loses his extra pounds.

But the process is not too easy and it requires complete dedication from a person by ...
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