Process By Which The Skin Renews Itself

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Process by Which the Skin Renews Itself

Process by Which the Skin Renews Itself


Skin is the fundamental sensory organ in humans. Throughout life, the tasks to be performed are extremely varied, including protecting the internal environment from the destructive effects of the external environment and establish communication between them. In each layer there are certain layers covering the cell structures, each with a corresponding function (Smith, Szathmary, 1995).

The layer of the skin, as is visible from the outer body, is called cutis, the following layers are found under the cutis:

Epidermis, or outer skin,

Corium or dermis and

Sub-cutis or hypodermis (Seeley, 2008).

1. How skin cells are formed

Every square inch of skin contains thousands of cells and hundreds of sweat glands, sebaceous glands, nerve endings and blood vessels. The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. A skin layer of the epidermis is the outermost layer and is formed by five layers cell (Jablonski, Chaplin, 2000). The innermost, the basal layer, is arranged as a fence and are constantly dividing. The cells thus produced are pushed to the surface, but in the way, its nucleus degenerates and the cells die, resulting in the outermost layer or stratum corneum.

2. Stages of Skin Cells Maturation

The process of the maturation of skin cells (Mitosis) takes place through a series of successive operations that are carried out in a continuous manner, and facilitates their study through several stages (Bertalanffy, 2000).

Mitosis is divided into four phases:

Interface. The DNA appears as chromatin, consisting of long filamentous DNA molecules. At the end of the interface, the DNA is duplicated, resulting in two identical molecules. The centrosome is also duplicated.

Prophase. It comprises three phases:

Formation of chromosomes or differentiation of them.

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