Program Evaluation

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Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation

The PRECEDE-PROCEED model emphasizes the basic idea that health and behaviors are determined by multiple factors and that the multisectoral and multidisciplinary actions are critical to achieving behavioral change expected.Applications

This model has been used in health promotion programs for adolescents and considers the determinants of health and guidance to program planners to identify these factors for the design of interventions, facilitating the planning, implementation and integrated evaluation, and the development of policies and legislation (Andreassen, 1992)

PRECEDE-PROCEED model has been adapted and applied successfully in health promotion programs for adolescents in the U.S. school system, which has given emphasis to the development of abilities and skills of adolescents (resistance to peer pressure, social competence skills, etc.), to environmental changes (changes in organizational structure) and the implementation of policies and regulations (Brink et al 1988, Green, Wang, Deeds 1978; Sleet 1987).

Different models exist for a systemic approach. The approach is the model precede proceed. Precede Proceed well known players in health promotion. This is a planning model based on the disciplines of epidemiology, social sciences, behavioral and education. In summary, the basic principles that are behind the construction of this approach come from the multifactorial nature of any problem. From then, efforts to influence behavior, environmental and social factors must necessarily be multidimensional and multisectoral. The Precede acronym stands for "Predisposing, Reinforcing and Enabling Constructs.

Educational/Environment Diagnosis and Evaluation" Educational / Environment Diagnosis and Evaluation "i.e." predisposing factors, facilitating and strengthening the diagnostic identified by educational and environmental Evaluation of the diagnosis. The acronym Proceed means for its "Policy (Bjaras, 1993).

The main elements of the model are:

The social diagnosis:

The social problems of a community are good indicators of quality of life this community. These indicators should include two dimensions, one quantifiable (Employment, unemployment, truancy, education level, population density, rate of Crime, segregationist practices, housing, social services,) and one can be assessed qualitatively (responses to questions about population barriers to improving the quality of life).

Epidemiological Diagnosis:

This step is based on identifying specific problems. Epidemiological such as incidence, prevalence and distribution of a problem health, combined with information from scientific publications, community activities, etc. may contribute to a better definition of priorities actions.

Diagnosis behavioral / environmental:

This is to study the relationship between behavior and problems identified, to identify the causal multifactorial problem situations. In factors related to the environment (natural and human) must be apprehended. A natural adaptation of the proceed model was to define groups of players at behavioral diagnosis. In this way it achieves better sharing of responsibility for a common task and evidence of the need for interdisciplinary work. The concept of organizational learning dimension takes on a plus more concrete when viewing the game between actors and institutions and structures within same structures.

The educational diagnosis:

This step is to distinguish the behaviors according to the causes, factors "Compelling". We classify these factors into three categories: factors "predisposing” (aptitudes (Knowledge, attitudes, values, perceptions), the factors "facilitating" (skills personal or community) factors and "reinforcing" (feedback ...
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