Projen's Strategy Execution

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Strategy execution in PROjEN

Strategy execution in PROjEN


Strategy execution in PROjEN involves planning, organizing, monitoring, and controlling the project and requires its own tools and techniques. There is no doubt that Strategy execution in PROjEN in general and Strategy execution in PROjEN tools and techniques, in particular, play an important role in project success. For some time, project planning has been the favourite subject for many scholars since they strongly believe that better project planning would lead to better Strategy execution in PROjEN and thus to project success. In fact, a project, by essence, has not been done before. With the preparation of formal design and planning documents (be it at the initiation or the planning level), the project manager can solidify the project in the minds of its stakeholders and provides them with the opportunity for adjustment before any work is done and throughout project implementation (Lientz and Rea 2002). Analysis, design reviews, reports, communication, quality, time, and cost schedules are, therefore, essential.

Project mission, schedule, budget, scope, plan or scope changes, goal changes, progress measurement, quality of project monitoring, and reporting are well-known factors in project success and failure. In addition, more and more companies recognize the benefits of using Strategy execution in PROjEN tools, techniques, methodologies and processes in a shifting, complex and unpredictable environment for change management effectiveness purposes (Brown 2001). Furthermore, it is a Strategy execution in PROjEN reality that using Strategy execution in PROjEN tools and techniques can significantly help the project to succeed although it does not guarantee its success.

Discussion & Analyses

Tools and techniques are concrete and specific means that Strategy execution in PROjEN practitioners use to apply rules, principles, and skills “to do the job,” “to execute a process” or metaphorically speaking “to execute the recipe,” and “to play the partition”. Numerous Strategy execution in PROjEN tools, techniques, methods, and processes have been developed and disseminated through books, journals, and professional bodies (Brunetto & Farr-Wharton 2003). But which tools do practitioners actually use in their day-to-day Strategy execution in PROjEN? What kind of tools do project managers have in their toolbox to get things done?

The use of Strategy execution in PROjEN tools and techniques is an integral part of the Strategy execution in PROjEN process and the Strategy execution in PROjEN practice, especially in the planning and execution phases. Specific Strategy execution in PROjEN tools and techniques are required for specific phases of the project lifecycle. If we consider the conventional PMI project lifecycle, one could distinguish between initiation tools, planning tools, execution (and monitoring, controlling, and reporting) tools, and closing (evaluation) tools (Crawford et. al. 2003). During the initiation phase, project formal design preparation tools such as the logical framework (or “logframe” (LF)), the project charter/project proposal, needs and market assessment tools, problem analysis tools, option analysis tools are recurrent and critical.

Although no effort should be spared at the initiation phase, it is indeed at the planning and implementation phases, where the project managers enter the fray, at least in ...
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