Pros And Cons For Technology

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Pros and Cons for Technology


As is now clear, the "Technology" has invested our "live", influencing lifestyles and habits of people, but especially the cognitive schemata (the way of thinking, reflecting, reasoning), and also The behaviour of each individual citizen. It features the largest benchmark of electrical and electronic equipment that we have ever been and continue to exist and affect us more and more. Of course, the advent of technology has been able to speed up communication with the birth of the PC, the Web, radio, television, etc. find this is a great thing, great, because in this way, a letter or a report or a thesis, or header, or some lecture notes .. you can transcribe them into very fast and easy through the use of PCs for example, becoming more and more experts in this innovative way, each time being able to do more practice and become so expert system (since the days of .. 'Nowadays, technology has become a fundamental thing, and the PC is used more and more).

Discussion and Analysis

According to the research, as the advent of technology can accelerate and facilitate better communication, often the technology is in my eyes, in a sense, the "cool" and detached, as, to beat the computer or through the letters cell phone use can often lead to misunderstandings between the one who writes and sends the message and its recipient, and then you may not understand each other, misunderstand each other ... of a letter written by hand but is much more direct and understandable , without some misunderstandings and misconceptions that may arise but if it was written extravert the keyboard of a PC . The fact of not being able to see for himself the person to whom you are writing a message can cause confusion, because they failed in the face when you send the message, sometimes we can not know how it might react to our words, which I considered to be a part of "cold" and electronic equipment (Berlo pp 123-145).

Pros and Cons

The problem today is that while technology has had a rapid acceleration, social change does not have the same pace. There is a growing gap between the technological and social evolution: is a cultural vacuum that creates problems.

Use of new technologies, as in all communication systems, it is essential to always give priority to human values.

Technology and social development should be balanced, but now they are not. The technology is an integral part of cultural evolution and is, of course, the creative product of our imagination, our dreams and our aspirations.

As space technology can give you, the personal contact is invaluable. Introduce more technology in our society; the more people want to be together where everyone knows your name. The Internet is not just technology, but of people who communicate, people who seek and provide information. The important thing is to take care of people and relationships. In any use of technology is important to take into ...
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