Psychological Effects Of Lsd

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Psychological effects of LSD

Psychological effects of LSD


The precise mechanism by which LSD alters perceptions is still unclear. Evidence from laboratory studies suggests that LSD, like hallucinogenic plants, acts on certain groups of serotonin receptors designated the 5-HT2 receptors, and that its effects are most prominent in two brain regions: One is the cerebral cortex, an area involved in mood, cognition, and perception; the other is the locus ceruleus, which receives sensory signals from all areas of the body and has been described as the brain's "novelty detector" for important external stimuli.

Psychological effects of LSD

LSD's short-term effects are often talked about when the subject of LSD abuse and addiction comes up, but the long-term effects of LSD are just as devastating, if not more so. Long after you cease taking LSD, effects such as hallucinations and withdrawal symptoms can still be present, lasting for months or even years. Because of this, the sooner you break your addiction to LSD, the sooner you can be on your way to a complete and successful recovery, and the less likely it will be that you will be forced to suffer the painful long-term side effects of this powerful and dangerous drug. Two of the long-term effects of LSD are types of hallucinations, known as HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder) and psychosis. HPPD produces repeated flashbacks to previous events, while psychosis disorders often trigger behavioral changes or violent mood swings. While these are the symptoms associated with long-term LSD use, the exact causes of these symptoms are not known.

LSD affects your ability to think and reason, and can bring about psychosis, an inability to think rationally and the inability to communicate with other people. Sometimes, users of LSD have psychological problems that severely affect their behavior, leading to unpredictable mood swings, paranoia and violent behavior. These effects can set in with just a single use of LSD, and can last for years, even if the person they are affecting has no prior history of psychological problems or disorders. HPPD, which produces flashbacks in some LSD users, is a re-occurring disorder that can cause repeated, long-term flashback episodes in people who have used LSD. Characteristics of HPPD can include hallucinations, but more common effects of HPPD are visual disturbances such as seeing colored lights, halos or moving trails on objects. HPPD can occur after a single use of LSD, and can persist for years after use has ceased. There is currently no known cause for HPPD.

The symptoms of HPPD are often misdiagnosed and mistaken for other psychological or neurological disorders, like strokes. For this reason, many people may receive incorrect diagnoses, and it can take several visits to multiple doctors before the real cause of the symptoms is discovered. There is no treatment regimen that has been established for treating HPPD, however, antidepressant drugs are often prescribed because they may help to ease the symptoms. Additionally, psychotherapy can help ease the suffering of someone who is suffering from HPPD, and can help them ...
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