Psychological Factors Associated With Facebook Use Among Australian University Students

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Psychological Factors Associated With Facebook Use among Australian University Students

Psychological Factors Associated With Facebook Use among Australian University Students


The interactions between teens and social networks are subject to much criticism since the advent of networks. Concerns over privacy have been a hot topic for users, who comprise of the elderly to preteens. Each week, at least one fact proves that networks can lead to serious abuses (sexual, morbid, criminal ...). The Australian Psychological Association wanted to expose a study objectively presenting the negatives and positives of the alliance between teens and social networks that include Facebook.

"Poke Me: How Social Networks Can Both Help and Harm Our Kids" is a framed presentation by Dr. Larry D. Rosen. This new research is intended, because it does not count the general risks associated with excessive use of Facebook. In reality, it is the psychological approach is preferred. Namely, however, that these claims are usually extreme cases, adolescents interviewed only trends emerged. Thus, Rosen found that adolescents who use Facebook frequently are to become more narcissistic than their cronies less fond of networking. This disorder can go even further in some cases. That is to say that anti-social behaviour, obsessive and aggressive tendencies can occur (Breckler, 1994).

Narcissism is induced by administration of a profile, but especially to his personal image. We choose the information that we want to disclose and only these. This is a daily work rewarded with a maximum of "like" your "friends". The teenager goes forward and we commend him, difficult not to become a bit self-centered. Overuse daily Facebook also has a proven effect on the health of Australian teens. It makes them more fragile emotionally and especially in the longer term, it can induce depression and anxiety (Barbour, 1994).

Again, this is an extreme case, but Facebook is the mirror of a social life. For a teenager a bit shy, attend social life filled with his comrades can reinforce feelings of isolation. Facebook offers a skewed view of reality, but during the phase of self-acceptance, typical of adolescence, most young people are languishing without seeing the difference between real and virtual. As it is at this age they do their weapons for their future, these teens will become anxious and unsure of themselves (Black, 2003). Also be on Facebook is to be exposed to criticism daily, which can be heavy during a construction phase. This paper looks at the affects personality has on facebook usage.


The hypotheses have been proposed for the purpose of this study:

H1: Individuals (low/high) in neuroticism would spend more time using Facebook compared to individuals with (low/high) in neuroticism.

H2: Individuals (low/high) in extraversion would have more friends and belong to more groups compared to individuals (low/high) in extraversion.


Facebook is extremely viewed by many adolescents. Those who view their account every fifteen minutes during their duties have lower grades than those who do not attach or less interest. Here the reason is quite simple, if you have the choice to concentrate to learn a lesson or follow your ...
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