Psychological Researches

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Importance of Funding Psychological Researches


In this paper, the importance of funding for the psychological research has been discussed. The importance of psychology in our daily lives and different areas has also been highlighted. The contributions of the psychological researches has been significant has made a major impact on the world. This paper discusses the fact that the funding for psychological research should not be cut.

Table of Contents




Influence of Brain Researches5

Sensation and Perception Knowledge Helped with Technological Use6

Contributions of Intelligence, Learning and Memory for Educators7

Research on Human Development Changed the Way for Child Rearing and Family Life8

Personality, Psychological Disorders and Therapy Influence Daily Functioning of Humans9

The Field of Psychology Made Money in Many Different Arenas9



Importance of Funding Psychological Researches


The branch of knowledge that deals with the study of psychic phenomena is Psychology. Science has acquired an important psychological marked from the social point of view, manifesting itself in the development of ever growing relationship, which assumes that prepare the largest possible number of members of the society to be able to act on their demands. This implies that a major task of psychological science is given precisely to investigate the premises that allow both individuals and to groups, guide their actions in a conscious way on the basis of knowledge of the laws operating in the society and work productively and creatively according to their needs or those of society.

The company assumes an accelerated development of efficiency in production and raise productivity, which requires work in all areas possess a solid scientific basis especially in the current conditions of the revolution, scientific - technical and therefore corresponds to psychology a major role, by making the research more relevant psychological hold in all spheres of social life and are increasingly requested and used in solving the core problems of practice.

In this paper, the importance of psychology and research in different aspects of our lives is highlighted which shows that funding for the psychological research is significant for the development of our society. Therefore, the funding for psychological research should not be cut or lowered.


Following are the reasons why funding for psychological researches should not be cut as they make a significant contribution to our society.

Influence of Brain Researches

In modern science, its importance from the fact that more than one body part is a mystery because there are still thousands of functions that are unknown to him, the points of research have opened up many possibilities: from telepathy as a means of communication in the future, until the contribution of the brain to evolve our species to one that has the ability to fly, although not in the brains of geniuses have discovered that there are different or because they are geniuses but did not use even half of yours (Ambady et al, 2000).

The importance of studying the brain has 3 main areas of benefits: 

Neurology: that allows us to identify functional areas of the brain that is, interpreting the images, sounds or where memory, ...
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