Puritans In America

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Puritans in America


In 1665, during the reign of Charles II (1660-1685) Puritans were persecuted to such an extent that many migrated to the present territory of the United States or New England, where this religion prevailed, brought by those foreigners who are in their fanaticism, they believed God sent to found, under a pact signed with the Creator a new Jerusalem in America, where God would be the leading authority on heaven and earth.

The Atlantic coast of North America was colonized much later than the rest of the Americas. While other countries like Mexico and Peru presented rich in precious minerals, and the Caribbean countries of tropical products highly appreciated in Europe, the temperate region did not present interesting features from the commercial point of view. Only in the early decades of the seventeenth century were founded several colonies in the north (above all by the French) on the fishing, hunting and the fur trade, and agricultural settlements (especially in the cultivation of tobacco) were created in Virginia thanks the milder climate. In the latter rose a relatively affluent society, but also a way of life prevailed closer to that of European aristocrats with Anglican clergy who maintained a relatively mundane lifestyle.


In the same period were added in the intermediate zone, a region not particularly lucky for soil fertility, new settlers who pushed in the area not occupied by other settlements to live their faith freely, being discriminated against at home. The small and isolated settlements knew hard times because of the rigorous climate, however, the Indians learned the technique of growing corn and were able to overcome adversity. In 1620 came the famous landing of the Pilgrims of the Mayflower to Plimouth.

The group of saints you gave a sketch of the constitution, the Compact of the Mayflower, with which ...
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