Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods In Public Health

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Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Public Health

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Public Health


The purpose of this study was to determine the application status of previous term hand-washing next term information given within the context of infection control measures in practice areas among nursing students. This descriptive study was conducted with 430 students. A questionnaire was filled out by the students. In the statistical analysis, frequency, percentage, and ?2 values were measured for all the questions in the previous term hand-washing next term questionnaire. We determined that students wash their previous term hands next term before and after each clinical procedure at a rate of 80.2%. Most of the students (71.9%) reported that they wash their previous term hands next term for 1 minute or longer. The students' answers showed that the nursing education program, including previous term hand-washing next term applications within the context of infection control measures, is updated but that the students neither practice what they have learned nor give adequate attention to the subject.Introduction

Hospital infections develop in 5% to 15% of patients. These infections are a major source of mortality and morbidity and contribute to high costs of health care. Studies have shown that contamination from the previous term hands next term of health care professionals is the primary factor for the spread of hospital infections involving the urinary system, lower respiratory tract, and surgical site infections ([Girou et al., 2002], [French & Friedman, 2003], [Jumaa, 2005], [Larson, 1995] and [Moret et al., 2004]).

Nurses are sources of contamination in their nursing roles, which include getting patients out of bed, taking pulse rates, measuring arterial blood pressure and body temperature, performing various invasive interventions, as well as dressing and feeding patients (French & Friedman, 2003). Hygienic previous termhand washingnext term before and after these procedures is a simple, cheap, and applicable key component of the reduction and prevention of infections during patient care ([Jumaa, 2005], [Kampf & Kramer, 2004], [Lam et al., 2004], [Pittet et al., 2004], [Sharir et al., 2001] and [Wendt, 2001]).

Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology ([Larson, 1995] and Wendt, 2001 C. Wendt, previous termHandnext term hygiene—Comparison of international recommendations, Journal of Hospital Infection 48 (Suppl A) (2001), pp. S23-S28. Abstract | Article | PDF (475 K) | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (19)[Wendt, 2001]) stated that previous termhand washingnext term is the most important approach to preventing hospital infections, the previous termhand-washingnext term compliance rate among health care professionals is lower than 50%.

The reasons behind this low previous termhand-washingnext term compliance include lack of practicing previous termhand washingnext term as a behavior pattern by health care professionals, decreased interest in practical applications with increased educational status, heavy workload, lack of sufficient sinks for previous termhand washingnext term in clinical areas, patients' conditions, accessibility, type and effectiveness of microorganisms, dermatological effects of previous termhand-washingnext term agents, and lack of knowledge of health care professionals regarding previous termhand ...
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