Race In The Media Is Affecting The Black Community

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Depictions of Race in the Media Is Affecting the Black Community


The paper addresses the role of the media in depicting of race in the media is affecting the black community, and how they perceive themselves. The different examples of the movie is taken in order to identify the problems that is created by the racial discrimination factor. Racism seems to be that racist events themselves that occur in society, not the instruments that are accountable, that is to say, the radio, television and newspapers. It also discusses how today, in the era of color-blind jurisprudence and the new racialism, social construction must be argued to establish that individuals and institutions have acted in concert to create differences in the material conditions of racial minorities and that this requires or justifies remedies that necessarily entail racially different treatment.

Depictions of Race in the Media Is Affecting the Black Community


In the last several decades, the American race problem has withdrawn from the forefront of the public imagination, only to mask ever-widening social, political, and economic inequalities caused by the persistence of American racism. Despite the myth of American liberalism's triumph over racism, which aspires toward a “racially color-blind society” by denying varying racial and ethnic identities, racism, the assignment of people to an inferior category and the determination of their social, economic, civic, and human standing on that basis remains an enduring and consequential mechanism of America's socio-legal organization. Because symbols of racial progress such as the presidency of Barack Obama, the coexistence of whites and Blacks in classrooms and workplaces, and the visibility of “successful” Blacks now dominate Americans' popular conceptions of “race progress,” many social problems. The disproportionate incarceration of Black men and other men of color, the poverty and under education of non-whites, and the mortality rates of people of color—resonate as the simple failure of those individuals to want to improve their circumstances. Because the imagery of the Black president and the inculcated mantra of racial equality are the central narratives of race theory, American citizens of the post-civil rights generations are left impotent to engage civically with the social problems that contradict their visions of racial nirvana (Beck, 2009).

Discussion and analysis

Liberal environmentalism, or the idea that “there were no differences between races which were likely to affect their social, cultural and intellectual performance; all apparent differences were the result of the environment”, slowly began refuting the dominant thinking about race as fixed and biologically determined. The consequence of this challenge to biological determinism was the creation of ethnicity a new term intended to describe the ability of white immigrants from Europe to assimilates Anglo-Saxon culture and be identified as white. In current conversations, ethnicity has become a moniker for an unproblematic description of culture that allows scholars and laypersons alike to speak about cultural particularity and cultural difference without the risk of racialization.

The impact of racism through movie

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