Reflective Essay

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A Reflective Essay - Activities You Have Under Taken To Develop Your Academic and Professional Skills

A Reflective Essay - Activities You Have Under Taken To Develop Your Academic and Professional Skills

So far I have learned the lot, about myself, the lot about world, the lot about business, and the lot about people. Here is the record of both academic and non-academic things I have learned.

Most Important learned Things I've Learned in College

1. Financial statement analysis

2. Double-entry accounting

3. Venture capital deal structure

4. The notion of Freudian Id and Superego

5. Classical and Operant Conditioning

7. What the benchmark Deviation is

8. Time value of money

9. If two possible conclusions have identical anticipated worth, outcome with less variability (and therefore less risk) will be preferred

10. Learning from Political Ideologies and popular Ideal

11. The basics about Western History before 1700 encompassing Roman domain, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation, and Counter Reformation

12. High association between variables does not mean causation

Most significant Non-Academic Things I've wise in College

1. How to talk in front of the large audience without agitating or being nervous

2. How to incorporate the company.

3. If I had all cash in world, college is precisely where I would want to be.

4. You conclude if you are joyous are not.

5. One has to invest time in alignment to have friends.

6. The significance of relationships and friendships.

7. It is often little things that count.

8. Just advance the little bit each day. It will compound.

9. I am the work in progress. Profit from errors and improve.

10. What is on your conviction window is exceedingly important. Constantly investigate critically what is on your conviction window. More often than not, it is psychologically unhealthy and wrong to be cynical.

11. Life goes on.

12. Humans are only sophisticated animals. They have same primal desires and learn in identical rudimentary way.

13. Bread molds when you don't put twisty bind back on

14. In alignment to avoid breakage when trying to hard-boil an egg, location egg in water before it is warm.

15. How to play beer pong.

16. How to rest without feeling guilty.

Most significant Things I wise Before College

1. Speaking, Reading, Writing English Language

2. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division

3. The Scientific Method

4. The provide and demand model

5. The Pythagorean Theorem

6. The absolutely vital components of American and World History

7. Speaking, Reading, and Writing Spanish Language

If you find that there is any thing in above list that you have not yet fully mastered, I'd encourage you to gaze into that subject or area. I feel that all of overhead knowledge will be essential throughout my life as an entrepreneur and economist.

I did everything I could to be apart of distinct groups and organizations. Because of those undertakings I wise to be more open-minded. Today's humanity judges and stereotypes to rapidly, heck I get stereotyped for being blonde. I have habitually seen an individual for who they are, but I glimpsed how to glimpse who they truly are by discovering about customs and cultures. I contacted persons from distinct nations and learned so much about Nigeria, Chad, Turkey, and ...
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