Religion And Law

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Religion and Law


Slavery the phenomenon of society, whose essence is a relationship of dependency which consists in the fact that a group of people slaves is the subject of property of other persons, groups of people family , tribe , etc. or institution state , church , etc. they could freely dispose off. Slavery can mean a legal or factual situation. In terms of law it is an institution , which amounted to the fact that the slave of the law is a thing that is subject to the rights of property of another person, and in accordance with the law can be disposed of , bought , lent borrowed , donated , pledged , etc. the present time, when slavery was prohibited in all jurisdictions of the world, slavery is reduced to a state in which a slave is physically located in the object position, which is someone's property, but this situation is not protected by law, or even a crime .

Slaves were recruited from among prisoners of war , children sold into slavery by their parents, people who have sold themselves into slavery, people kidnapped to be sold into slavery, or sold for debts, condemned to slavery, etc. Also, children born out of the slaves were from generally benefits from things, and as such we were slaves. (Darrow 2005 pp.178-235)


The most important distinguishing feature from other slave system based relations eg, subordination of personal peasants was that a slave was always the thing from the standpoint of the state. Slave a thing he did not have any obligations towards the State, and such subject serf, located in the same factual situation duty to provide forced, unpaid work for you and very similar legal situation the possibility of sale, and even in some countries and some historical periods, such as medieval Japan or partitions of Poland the killing of the Lord, from a legal standpoint, however, was also subjected to the rulers of the country and as such subject or legally can be to certain obligations, like paying taxes whether the obligation of military service. (Drummond, 1990 pp.76-125)

Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, slavery was widespread in Europe, Africa and the Middle East following the long clashes between Muslims and Christians. During this period, at least three million people of both religions were enslaved by their enemies,

Legal status of slaves was different in different countries and historical periods, but the essence of slavery comes down to the fact that the owner shall have full authority over the slave usually including the right to kill him. Typically, the entire property of a slave belongs to his master, though the issue has been variously regulated, for example, in ancient Rome, slaves were granted the right to property, which sometimes allowed buying from captivity.

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