Reproductive Technologies

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Reproductive Technologies

[Name of the institute]Reproductive Technologies

Basic Process of Human Reproduction

Human reproduction is a process in which a man and woman indulge in sexual intercourse which results in the birth of a child. Human reproduction involves sexual mating and as a result of this mating fertilization takes place inside the woman's body. Reproduction is a process where the sperm and egg combine and merge through the sexual act. This is because both the body of the man and the woman are adapted to this process. Both have unique breeding systems cells they produce. Knowing the general aspects of human reproduction from the biological point of view can help us understand the techniques used in assisted human reproduction.

Need for Assisted and Preventive Reproductive Technologies

There are some people who remain deprived of getting the shower of the blessing of children. Such people also possess desire to attain this happiness so for such people assisted reproductive technologies help them to fulfill their desires. On the other hand, there are people who remain busy in their lives and who cannot afford to have children so for such people there are preventive reproductive technologies (Zegers et al, 2009).

Information about Four Technologies

The technologies that are selected to undertake discussion process are as follows;

Assisted reproductive technologies: GIFT Cycles and Assisted Hatching

Preventive reproductive technologies: Contraception Implant and Diaphragm Cup

Decision Matrix for Preventive Reproductive Technology

Contraception Implant


Going through the procedure of contraception implant would allow the individual to prevent the process of reproduction for three years

In this way it reduces cost by going through a procedure of prevention that an individual has to incur in some other procedure

Moreover, it is also reversible. This means that is the couple plans to have a child they can reverse the process

It is a cost effective process


While going through the procedure of contraception implant it should be taken into consideration that there can be unpredictable bleeding pattern


According to research this process if almost 99% effective

STI and HIV Protection

It does not provide protection against STIs or HIV/AIDS


In Australia, its availability includes Marie Stopes International, general practitioners, and local family planning clinics.

Diaphragm Cup


One of the advantages to opt for the diaphragm cup is that it is used only during sexual intercourse.

It is cheap as compared to other hormonal and permanent methods of preventive reproduction

It is less painful as compared to other processes


While go for the option of diaphragm cup it is important to consider that the dome rubber that is placed over the cervix is remain there for around six years after the sexual activity


Research shows that this process is almost 95% effective if it is implied properly

STI and HIV Protection

The weak point about this option is that it does not provide protection against STIs or HIV/AIDS


In Australia, its availability ranges from local family planning clinics and some general practitioners

Decision Matrix for Assisted Reproductive Technology

GIFT Cycles


It is effective for such patients who have weak and sensitive embryo quality

This process is also adopted by considering the grounds of social and religious perspectives


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