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Research Articles

Research Articles


The chosen articles came from lead in, learning and teaching module, the focus is on English as a foreign language using multimedia in the primary schools of South Korea. It is often difficult to find that les researched by the qualitative and quantitative method with the same theme in the context o EFL, therefore, it is important to analyze the current literature and research related to EFL and learning issues. The issues are important to discuss therefore, the two articles with respect to EFL are selected.

The first research is important in the context of languages learning difficulties among the foreign students. It is important to listen to students, not just because they need to express but to understand what the instructors say, in a framework and reference which is clear. A good motivation is always to achieve the stimulus incentives, the prize and avoid any adverse impact of the learning process ensuring it does not produce demotivation (Kikuchi, 2009).

The second research relates to working in virtual contexts (e.g. Computer Mediated Communication, or CMC, in English) is that the oral ability is weakened, as the technologies that exist today do not have to practice base solid methodology for optimal development. Due to these reasons, teaching skills within the context of a methodological model that blends both environments (face to face teaching and distance), supported by methodologies based language teaching and cooperative learning tasks, can provide balance in the development of various skills necessary for language acquisition (Kyeung, 2008).

The researchers are facilitated by the use of literature that helps designing the research hypothesis and identifying the problems. The problems are investigated and the results of scientific discovery vary with time. At present, qualitative research methods have prestige and experiencing great popularity, but until recently that reign belonged exclusively to American scientific positivism and quantitative measurement. That change of mind on how to do science and sociology, responds to a multitude of factors from the outstanding which are the development of technology and that there was dissatisfaction with the practice of addressing the subject of study since the concepts, language, values, interests and perspective researcher differ.

2. Article Number one

De-motivating factors in learning English for primary students

To communicate in a language is necessary to know the culture of the country, the cultural component although, unfortunately, is something that often obvious education or lack of time because we give more priority to grammar. Actual component in this way can be a serious mistake because teaching language requires the learning that necessarily must be immersed for communicative competence of students can achieve a good level. The development of this work is motivated by the importance in the field of foreign languages is the relationship between emotion and cognition. The effectiveness of cognitive skills is influenced by the learner's emotional state, which requires greater self-control and self-knowledge by students lead to increased self-esteem and motivation (Kelm, 1992).

This article is structured along two axes clearly defined and interrelated. On the one hand, there is a ...
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