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Research Study

Research Study

There are several forms of epilepsy and every form causes another epileptic attack. Epilepsy is spread world wide, but it is a fact that this disorder is not well understood. Epilepsy strikes whomever at any age and it is not true, as many sources indicate that epilepsy strikes children only. This disorder can not be genetically caught from a family member and you can not catch it from somebody. Epilepsy does not limit a person s ability and the person with epilepsy can lead normal and happy live. To understand what the epilepsy is and how it arises, we have to understand the main brain functions. The human brain is a marvelously complicated organ; it has to be, for it controls every waking and sleeping activity, every conscious and unconscious thought and need and process that we engage in. (Harry Sands and Frances C. Minters, 1977, p.2) the brain consists of nerve cells or neurons.

Each neuron has an electrically charged part. It receives electrical signals from other neurons, and passes them to others. All the functions of the brain depend on electrical signals that are sending from one neuron to another. The normal brain generates an electrical rhythm in order way and this order in epilepsy is broken by some neurons discharging signals. Because of some genetic defect there will occur a short electrical storm that is caused by neurons and the subject will get a seizure. This condition is called epilepsy. When this happens, the muscles tighten and relax rapidly or stop moving completely. When the cells stop sending signals, the seizure stops as well. Epilepsy is the name for occasional, sudden, excessive, rapid and local discharges of gray matter. (Jackson, 1958, p.1) There also other alternatives that cause this abnormal discharge that may come from ...
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