Rn New Grad - Versant Rn Residency

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RN New Grad - Versant RN Residency

RN New Grad - Versant RN Residency

I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread about reasons why we want to be RN New Grade. That way when we're struggling in our pre-reqs (especially those of us just starting out who have no idea what to expect) and wondering if we can handle everything we can read reminders of why we, ourselves, want to be RN New Grade, and why others want to be RN New Grade as well. I guess it will serve as a form of inspiration or motivation if needed. I have always wanted to be a RN New Grade for as long as I remember. I remember being in a crib, and my aunt bring me a gift. It was my first doctors kit. One of those cheap plastic ones with the bumps all over the case. It has stethoscope that was hard plastic, and would always hit you in the face.

Personally, I want to be a RN New Grade because I have always been interested in the medical field and I have always wanted to have a career in which I change lives. In nursing, I could possibly even save lives. I absolutely love to help people, I think it is the most fulfilling thing in the world, and nursing will allow me to do this on a daily basis. Also, it provides endless job opportunities as well as endless opportunities to volunteer in my community.

Hospitals partnering with Versant have successfully graduated over 4900 residents nationwide.  Due to significant reductions in turnover, Versant has helped hospitals reduce the number of RN hires needed to hit their RN FTE targets.  In 2½ years, these hospitals have had to hire 425 ...
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