Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet


The scene of Romeo and Juliet did not have complications and may even surprise its simplicity, the focus on the topic and time result in a structure very uncomplicated and easy to understand, love scenes look frantic and fast where the author prints a vertigo the quick marriage, but there are contrasts as Mercutio's death right after the wedding. The story says:

•In the city of Verona, there are two rival families who kept an old grudge involving as many families as outside Paris and Mercutio.

•The only two descendants of each family are Romeo and Juliet for the first time in a meeting and fall in love.

•The lovers are forced to hide the second time, the third time they marry in secret thanks to Friar Laurence.

•Shortly after the wedding in a clash between Montagues and Capulets killed Romeo's best friend, Mercutio in the hands of Teodobaldo Capulet nephew, Romeo kills him in revenge for this, the prince condemns Romeo to banishment to Mantua.

•The fourth time that lovers are consummate their wedding night, Juliet's father plans her marriage to the gentleman Paris.

•Friar Laurence creates a plan to save the love of Romeo and Juliet, she will drink a potion in a vial that will appear dead for 42 hours, she meets the plan.

•Friar's messenger on the road fails to notify the plan Romeo, learns that the supposed death of Juliet and decided to return to Verona to die beside the tomb of his beloved.

•In the cemetery are Romeo and Paris, and Paris face dies, Romeo drinks poison before it avoids Friar Laurence and Juliet wakes up.

•Juliet awakens and Friar Laurence explains the situation, scare off the guards and Juliet Fray takes Romeo's dagger and kills herself.

•At the cemetery Friar Laurence tells the story and it finally seems that the families make peace.


The theme of Romeo and Juliet is easy to use because you can say that manages three topics in my opinion:

•Hatred: the confrontation that keep Capulets and Montagues frames the extraordinary relationship between Romeo and Juliet.

•Love: the passion to drive the lovers is overwhelming and hectic, you can see in the short period of six days where they fall in love, marry, have their wedding night and the tragedy happens.

•Tragedy: the love between Romeo and Juliet is tragic from beginning to be obliged to meet in secret and as a mockery of the fate of both the failed plan with fatal outcome.

The theme of Romeo and Juliet, which celebrates the legend of two lovers whose love cam to death because of social and family environment of the time and had been registered previously as literary stories of Pyramus and Thisbe, Hero and Leander, in the average age Tristan and Isolde, in Renaissance Spain and Melibea Calixto.

The story that comes closest to the story that Shakespeare drew his subject was a work of Italian origin, published in 1476 a tale of Masuccio of Salerno in the displayed items such as the irony of the potion prepared by the monk to feign ...
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