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Costa Coffee

Costa Coffee

The Costa Story

It was Bruno along with Sergio who initiated their coffee roaster in the Lambeth, United Kingdom in the year of 1971. They were supplying the local caterer's in the vicinity as well as the Italian based coffee shops, which was adjusted to the Italian taste in terms of it being slow-roasted. As the target market experienced the coffee, it gained popularity instantly and then it was in the year of 1978 that for the first time Costa espresso bar was launched in London located in Vauxhall Bridge Road. Up till date they are said to be using the same methodology in terms of slow roasting of the coffee beans and keeping the Italian tinge alive. They further fused beans like the Arabica beans along with Robusta and currently have 500 coffee shops throughout the world. Costa coffee is said to provide quality oriented and truly authentic Italian style coffee and which is said to undergo total quality process at every stage ranging from being a bean to the cup. Costa coffee is said to be the only voffe shop in the united kingdom so far who is said to have its own roastery in order to ensure that a unique blend of all ingredients is served every time (Zimmerer, 2002, pp.91).

Marketing Objectives

Growing the profitability, scale and market share in the UKi market;

Developing new products that have the potential to reach significant scale;

Managing our business so that shareholder value is added by each of our activities;

Ensuring that brand is a leader in its field for customer service;

Working to meet our responsibilities to the wider stakeholders in our business, including commercial partners and the communities in which our brands operate.

Target Market

Costa Coffee strives to appeal to all ages. Young and Mature, all consumers are bound to be satisfied by their array of choices. The menu is designed specifically to cater to different preferences and the quality of their coffee satisfies the most discerning of tastes. Costa Coffee continues to satisfy consumers all over the world (Kotler, 2004, pp.120).

Market Segmentation

For defining the target market, the following market segments were established after researching the restaurant and cafe-going consumers and the clientele of already established competition.

Economic Profile:Middle Class

Upper Middle Class

Privileged Class

Age Groups:Teenagers 16 - 19 years

Young Adults 18 - 25 years

Adults 25 - 50 years

Mature50 and above

Professional Classification:Students

Young Professionals

Mature Professionals


Marital and Familial Status:Single

Single with Dependants


Married with Children

Married with Dependants

Ethnic and/or Religious Classification: Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Asian, Caucasian, African American, Latin-American, European

Upper Middle Class

Privileged Class

While the age demographics will be:

Students and Youngsters



Mature Consumers

Gender and Ethnic/Religious Background was researched to have minimal or no effect on the type of choices in terms of the kind of coffee that were said to be made by the consumers and their patronage of coffee houses.


In order to achieve the vision of Costa which is to be able to serve coffee in the best Italian style and taste by using the same methodology of ...
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