School And Home Collaborative Working Can Be Improved Student Learning And Achievement

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School and Home Collaborative Working Can Be Improved Student Learning and Achievement



I would like to take this chance for thanking my research facilitator, friends & family for support they provided & their belief in me as well as guidance they provided without which I would have never been able to do this research.


I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this thesis/dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this thesis/dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views & not essentially which are associated with university.







History of Home and School Collaboration1

The Role of the Parents5

Parent's Involvement and Home Learning10

Parent Involvement and Student Characteristics11

Parent Involvement and Teacher Variables12

History of Public Education14

Family Systems Interventions19

The Role of the School22

Training and Skills23

Ethical Issues of Family School Interventions27

The Importance of Home-School Collaboration30

Interventions for Academic Problems34

Barriers to Implementing Effective Parent Involvement Activities35

Educator-Related Barriers to Parent Involvement36

Parent-Related Barriers Influencing Parent Involvement39

Factors Impacting Impact Home and School Collaboration43

Data Sharing45

Goal Setting45

Teacher Coaching Of Parent46

Distribution of Practice Materials47

Parent Engagement47

Teacher Efficacy and Leadership48

Student Outcomes49

Effectiveness of Home and School Collaboration50



History of Home and School Collaboration

The current literature on home-school collaboration consists of numerous studies that were designed to identify and understand the many factors which are significantly related to improving children's academic performance. Reviews of the research on home-school collaboration indicate that many factors in the home and school environments are crucial to enhancing student performance. These factors interact in a variety of ways to impact on children's educational experiences. These studies demonstrated consistent findings of positive correlations between family-school collaborations and student achievement. As teachers and parents develop shared responsibilities, the benefits to our children will undoubtedly extend beyond academic gains and toward improvement of attitudes, socialization skills, and school climate (Sanders, 2002, 1338).

If children have parents who are more aware of school processes, more knowledgeable, encouraging, and involved, the children have more positive school attitudes, higher aspirations, and other positive behaviours. Interactions between families and schools are most likely to be successful when there are increased opportunities for such interactions, when parents and teachers recognize they have complementary role responsibilities for children's well being.

Traditionally, the home and school were seen as two separate climates. Families were mainly viewed as encouraging socialization, while schools educated the children. A review of the literature reveals that prior to the 1960's, researchers prescribed to this view. When studying children, researchers either studied the child in the home and/or in the school setting. Student achievement is highly correlated with family background factors and family attitudinal factors. Previously, such programs were designed to focus on low-income parents and their preschool children. Within this same time frame, other factors such as higher educational advances for women, and a higher number of females in the work force, increased the involvement of parents in their children's education at all grade levels (Epstein, 1995, 706).

These changes led the way for parents to realize ...
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