Should Evolution Be Taught In Public Schools

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Should Evolution Be Taught In Public Schools

Should Evolution Be Taught In Public Schools

Thesis Statement

Evolution Is Important To Teach In Public Schools.


There are several reasons for educating evolution in schools. Several biology professors evade teaching the topic of evolution because the public knows comparatively little about the theory. Some other teachers keep away from teaching the topic of evolution because they are creationists or are frightened of reprisals from creationist parents or administrators. Predictably, the failure to teach evolution in schools leads to a populace that does not entirely understand creationism or evolution or both (PFAW, 2000). According to the research, 95 percent of the people had heard of evolution, but only 50 percent were able to identify the correct definition (PFAW). On the other hand, only 53 percent had heard of scientific creationism of those, 59 percent agreed with the firm creationist interpretation. The resistance to evolution as an explanation for the diversity of life may be related to this poor base in common knowledge about science and evolution.


Evolutionists believe- the courts agree that strict creationism cannot be required to be taught in science class. While strict creationists still rattle their claims are largely moot, except in the court of public opinion, due to the overtly religious basis of their argument. To evolutionists like Eugenie Scott, “Intelligent design is a fancy way of saying 'God did it'”. Evolution is a process parallel to the continuous linear progression of time which, in a variable alternating phase-outs increases stagnation-regression, delivers all the factors of phenomenological world organic and inorganic matter, concepts and facts towards achieving their purpose, and that guides human towards increasing their knowledge, a better understanding of the universe, itself, the organization of society and, in principle, to a condition which, in time varied propel it towards its own conquest and its environment increasingly expanded. It is significant for students to know about the process of evolution (Pigliucci, 2002). Since evolution is a flawed theory, it should not be accepted as "fact." Instead, students should be exposed to other theories, such as Creationism, that seek to explain the origins of humankind. Decisions regarding the teaching of creationism should be left to local school boards.

The origins of humankind (as well as other forms of life) have puzzled scientists, philosophers and religious scholars for hundreds of years. Did apes gradually evolve into modern-day humans over hundreds of thousands of years? Or was God responsible for creating all life on Earth roughly 6,000 years ago? Heated debate over those questions has created a cultural chasm in the U.S., effectively separating the nation's scientific community, which supports the theory of evolution, from many devout followers of Christianity, who tend to embrace the concept of creationism.

Creationism, the belief that God oversaw the creation of all living things over the course of six days, draws upon the Bible's book of Genesis for support. Creationism's proponents are primarily conservative and fundamentalist Protestant Christians, and include a small but vocal group of ...
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