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Michael Moore's new documentary film is built around the war stories of everyday Americans are struggling for the humane treatment of health care. After the senseless ridicule George W. Bush explains that Moore's Sicko is not a question of how our callous health care system affects people like me who do not have some form of health insurance, but people who have and still can not take all the money they pump into the system in the form of premiums, copays and deductibles ( Life can sometimes feel Gamble; in most cases, however, that the release to know that you do not have to deal with the agony of trying to deal with the suppliers to pay their medical expenses, whether visiting a doctor or a simple trip to the emergency room. Sicko illuminates this nightmare, but not without significant loss of face Moore in this process (

Subjects include a white woman who lost her African American husband because of a bone marrow transplant that may or may not save his life if it were paid by the vendor, a man asked the doctors to actually choose between his index and ring fingers after peak the figures were cut off from the power saw and a woman whose infant died after doctors refused to help her because her provider insists she take the child to the hospital, which had fallen under his plan HMO ( Their suffering breaks your heart, but that rattles with a mind and consciousness the recognition of people within the healthcare industry who openly admit denying coverage and benefits to sick and needy individuals and couples (

Moore seems to have done differently this time, especially when compared with the highly biased and angry Fahrenheit 9 / 11. Nevertheless, it is still a populist documentation with trademarks Michael Moore. This is humor to maintain a good mood, although to a much lesser extent here. She looks at the photograph Grander and not focus on the question itself. It puts human nature and examines how cultural beliefs in the country can mean the difference between life and comfortable unfortunate. And as with his other films, he makes something happens with many things to help others (

In Sicko, Moore gathers volunteers 9 / 11 workers who developed lung disease from cleaning at Ground Zero. He takes them to Cuba for medical care, all because of al-Qaida detainees at Guantanamo Bay seems to get better medical care than the average American citizen. The entire sequence takes a few minutes. This allows you to absorb these people really feel. This is the best scene in the movie, and, perhaps, the most humane thing Moore did for another film to date (

Moore's message - it violated the U.S. system of health care - is not new. But do not deny the impact of form on the big screen, close-gashed knee that forced the poor fellow to mend itself, confessions from insurance companies that allow doctors get bonuses for denying claims for medical treatment ...
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