Significance Of Fashion To Subcultural Groups

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The Significance Of Fashion To Sub Cultural Groups -Teddy Boys

The Significance of Fashion to Sub Cultural Groups -Teddy Boys


Subculture is a word, which means liberty of appearance, liberty of creativeness, liberty and ease of the chosen model for getting pleasure. The subculture is a sacred action, in which the only arbiter of values and belief, taste and preferences is the person. The person with the autonomy of his own choice. (Peacock, 2004)

The subculture with its unlimited varieties, because the subcultural fashion attracts and charms with its spontaneity and increadible imagination. Censorship and standard do not exist for it, because the marks and symbols that it uses are born from the energy of the rebellion and disagreement with the already existing rules and restrictions. Alexander MacQueen is among theose stylists which as though feel the pulse of the street and they cleverly transfer it in its works after the respective aesthetic and creative interpretations, including the unique, very expensive and handmade garments. (Peacock, 2004) He defines the connection between subculture and fashion in the following way - "Between subculture and fashion there is a connection and it is very important. The subculture - the clothes that the young wear in the street, the ideas of the rock bands, the clothes in the clubs, etc. influence a lot the fashion design.

Fashion in the clothing of the youth subcultural trends is extremely interesting and unfortunately very little investigated. If we look deeper in the creative and psychological nature of these increadibly interesting clothes and accessories, make up and haircuts, fetish and etc. attributes of the informal youth style, we will get a complete idea of the real life of the new generations, for the original value of their dreams and creativeness and emotional potential. (Tamerius, 2008)

Subcultural theory

Lots of the features in the style of contemporary youth subculture is of interest not only to sociologists and social psychologists, pedagogues, journalists, parents and teachers, but also to all members of the society - including the representatives of subcultures in terms of more correct self-identification, self-knowledge and self-explication. (Peacock, 2004) Habits an customs, dynamics in slang and graffiti, in clothes and hair-cut, in musical and sports preferences, the psycho climate in the circle of friends, the philosophy of the self-made communication and especially the free will in the choice of a model of existence - all this is included in the portrait of the modern subcultural man, in the outlines and the heart of the contemporary culture, in the specifications of the style of living.

Subcultural Groups (Teddy Boys)

The Teddy Boys were a British youth subculture in the 1950s. Beginning in London, the subculture quickly spread throughout the UK, associating itself with American rock and roll music.

They were the first young generation to have a disposable income and therefore regarded their appearance and looks as being all-important. Their fashion style was greatly influenced by the Edwardian period and had a very distinct style

Typical teenagers of the 1950s wearing general fashions ...
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