Social Inclusion

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Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion


In analyzing the concept of society we rely on certain characteristics ethnic, political, religious, and so on. That unite us as a particular social group, when actually in basic terms, the society should be made ??just by people, human beings, and individuals at the end. In an ideal world we would not talk about social inclusion, since it implies that even in the XXI century remains a kind of exclusion. There are minorities, ethnic groups, communities, groups of people who even today do not enjoy the benefits of a truly social inclusion. The exclusion is a reality even exists for certain minority groups and this limits their potential for interaction, accessibility to services they are entitled and basically limited development potential because human beings are essentially social beings (Hughes & Farrow, 2007, pp. 18).

One of the minority groups that are traditionally excluded from the benefits of a company belonging to the intellectual disability. People belonging to this group (mental retardation, autism and Down syndrome) do not receive basic health services because they are considered as ill "from birth," many do not receive adequate education to be regarded as a waste are not accepted in daily living, for lack of knowledge and fear of difference, is very likely to think that it is inappropriate to have a friend, an employee or a disabled partner (Barker, 2009, pp. 121).

Schizophrenia and social Treatment

Understanding that social inclusion is crucial for development, would be appropriate to include it as an important aspect in the natural process of child development, youth and adults with intellectual disabilities, they make real social inclusion to occur, is labor intensive and multi- support, and a drastic change in the mentality of society in general. Currently there are three main lines or cognitive development in addressing schizophrenia:

1st) the Integrated Psychological Therapy

Part of the idea that the schizophrenic would be a relationship between some cognitive deficits and dysfunction in social behavior, producing a "vicious circle" between the two components.

Presented cognitive deficits would be related to dysfunction of information processing attentional type (attention) and encoding information (representation) and in turn produce these dysfunctions lead to other more complex cognitive deficits in the process of concept formation and recovery information (memory). These deficits in turn interaccionarían complex with attentional processes and representation. In brief cognitive level would be a "vicious circle" of interaction between elementary cognitive functions (attention, representation) and complex cognitive functions (concept formation, memory). This settles the vicious cycle of type I (cognitive).

On the other hand, we have the vicious cycle of type II (social cognitive) cognitive deficits arising from the circle / Type I prevent the subject from acquiring adequate social coping skills, leading to high vulnerability to social stressors, decreasing general coping skills, which in turn affect cognitive deficits.

The therapeutic program that follows this model would consist of 5 sub-programs aimed at reducing the cognitive and social skills characteristic of schizophrenia. The IPT be presented in a group format from ...
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