Social Issues In Canada

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Social Issues in Canada

Social Issues in Canada


According to foreign and domestic psychologists formation of an emotionally healthy child depends on communication between their parents. 90% of children who come to learn about the divorce, experience a short-term shock with some pain and unaccountable fear. According to American researchers, 50% of fathers cease to visit their children three years after the divorce. About half the children feel cast aside and abandoned as a result of divorce.

Divorce rate in Canada is a stressful situation which threatens mental balance of one or both partners, and especially children. The situation of divorce in the family causes great harm to mental as well as physical health of the child (Fritz, 2004). Parents are there to support the children they are not strangers. Particularly, more susceptible to divorce are 5 -7 years old, especially boys while girls are acute experiencing separation from her father at the age of 2 to 5 years. The consequences of divorce can affect the entire subsequent life of the child. The battle of parents in period leads to the fact that the divorce rate impact on children according to the recent Canadian statistics are:

•37.7, of children suffer as a result of academic performance,

•19.6%, suffer from indiscipline at home,

•17.4%, require special attention,

•8.7% 8run away from home,

•6.5% have conflicts with friends.

However, some psychologists believe that sometimes a divorce can be regarded as good, when they help in making better conditions for the formation of the child, also puts an end to the negative impact on his psyche of marital conflict. But in most cases, separation of parents has a traumatic impact on child. And much trauma destroys all preceding conditions in the family.

Joint research of psychologists and physicians have shown that even in infancy the child is able to experience acute psychological trauma, due to divorce my mother (Kenworthy, 1999). The result of responses to depression the mother may even be the death of an infant. This is because babies stay in symbiosis with their mother and remain part of her body. When the unfortunate situation occurs due to which the mother's attention is focused, it leads to conflicts and disputes with her husband while the child is deprived of her care. In addition, when a young mother is in conflict or complex situation for a long time, always terminates before the deadline. It create problems in the process of breastfeeding, because of nervous tension in the mother usually disappears milk.

Most difficult situation arises when the mother for whatever reason, forced or even temporarily is separated from her baby and given to somebody else. Children 2.5 - 3.5 years respond to the disintegration of the family also suffer from diseases like insomnia, increased fearfulness, reduced cognitive processes, the manifestation of slovenliness, addiction to own things and toys. They are very difficult to part with their second mother. According to psychologists, negative symptoms were recorded, if the parent care is less for ...
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