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Sociology Theories


The Texas Youth Commission, also known as TYC, is a Texas State Agency which is entrusted with the task of operating the correctional facilities for juveniles in the state of Texas. The Headquarters of the TYC is situated in Austin, Texas and is regarded as the second largest correction agency for juveniles in the United States. The inmate population grew to 2200 by September 2008. Child sex abuse could be defined as the involvement of immature in sexual activity, individuals who lack awareness of their actions as well as a choice. From this definition it is clear that sexual abuse is certainly not an activity that necessarily entails the act of penetration. The key, however, is represented by the condition of the victim, unable to choose correctly or to understand what is happening or being proposed. Sexual violence is one of the worst forms of violence which may be imposed on children. It can take many forms from incest, pornography, prostitution, human trafficking, sexual exploitation or abuse. Sex attacks on children are rare and are a sign of moral decay and degradation of society. Sexual abuse also includes acts such as blackmail, rape, forced sexual relations in a form acceptable for a woman, forced sexual relations in front of others or with others, causing pain and injury victims through acts of a sexual nature. Sexual violence is often present in situations of domestic violence and has a high latency. (Baladerian, N. ,2010)

Background of the Abuse Case

The Texas Youth Commission was brought under the spotlight when the news of an incident regarding the sexual and physical abuse of inmates surfaced in February 2007. According to the report, members of the staff at the West Texas State School were indulging in child sexual abuse in the facility. This prompted for the involvement of the FBI and Texas Rangers to carry out investigations. The previous investigation by the FBI and Texas Rangers alleged two of the highest-ranking officials at the school, assistant superintendent, Ray Brookins and Principal John Paul Hernandez of having sexual relations with a number of inmates over a significant length of time. Despite the dismissals, more allegations regarding abuse at the TYC facility of the Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional facility surfaced in March. Attacks at the Evins Regional Justice Center in South Texas reportedly led to baseball-sized swelling when a boy's head was used as a battering ram, and temporary blindness when a guard scraped another boy's face raw against the concrete. Yet another youth alleges that guards cuffed him and left him outside in the sun for several hours on top of an ant nest, where he was bitten hundreds of times.

These heinous scandals attracted and gained the attention of the masses and more and more cases regarding abuse by the staff members were uncovered. It was admitted by the TYC that 10 of the victims were teenage boys at West Texas State School and it was also ucovered that 750 compants had been lodged against ...
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