Soup In American Culture

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Soup in American Culture

Soup in American Culture

Soup in American Culture


One of the first types of soups can be dated to about 6,000 B.C.[2] Boiling was not a common cooking technique until the invention of waterproof containers (which probably came in the form of pouches made of clay or animal skin) about 9,000 years ago. Soup can be made out of broth or a form of liquid. (Carroll, 2004)

The word Soup came from

The word soup comes from French soupe ("soup", "broth"), which comes through Vulgar Latin suppa ("bread soaked in broth") from a Germanic source, from which also comes the word "sop", a piece of bread used to soak up soup or a thick stew. The word restaurant (meaning "something restoring") was first used in France in the 16th century, to describe a highly concentrated, inexpensive soup, sold by street vendors, that was advertised as an antidote to physical exhaustion. In 1765, a Parisian entrepreneur opened a shop specializing in such soups. This prompted the use of the modern word restaurant to describe the shops. In America, the first colonial cookbook was published by William Parks in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1742, based on Eliza Smith's The Compleat Housewife; (Carroll, 2004) or Accomplished Gentlewoman's Companion and it included several recipes for soups and bisques. A 1772 cookbook, The Frugal Housewife, contained an entire chapter on the topic. English cooking dominated early colonial cooking; but as new immigrants arrived from other countries, other national soups gained popularity. In particular, German immigrants living in Pennsylvania were famous for their potato soups. In 1794, Jean Baptiste Gilbert Payplat dis Julien, a refugee from the French Revolution, opened an eating establishment in Boston called Restorator, and became known as "The Prince of Soups". The first American cooking pamphlet dedicated to soup recipes was written in 1882 by Emma Ewing: Soups and Soup Making.

Portable soup was devised in the 18th century by boiling seasoned meat until a thick, resinous syrup was left that could be dried and stored for months at a time. The Japanese miso is an example of a concentrated soup paste. (Carroll, 2004)

Types of famous American Soups

Savory Squash Soup Soup American

periwinkle broth Soup American

Hot Vichyssoise Soup American

sweet corn and red pepper soup Soup American

Beer and Cheese Soup Soup American

Wahoo Chowder Soup American

Chedder cheese biscuits go nicely with the soup.

Navy Bean Soup Soup American

Northwest Seafood Chowder Soup American

Corn and Clam Chowder with Bacon Soup American

Corn and Crab Chowder Soup American

Chicken Noodle Soup Soup American

Black-eyed Pea and Tomato Soup with Cabbage Soup American

Lobster Soup with Mango and Avocado Soup American

Chilled Celery Soup Soup American

Diet Cabbage Soup Soup American

Potato / Leek Soup Soup American


Mushroom Soup Soup American

Cabbage Soup Soup American

Clam Chowder Soup American

Great Northern Bean Soup Soup American



vegetable chicken soup Soup American

Creamy Leek & ...
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