Spanish Cultural Family

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Spanish Cultural Family Assessment

Spanish Cultural Family Assessment

What is cultural competence? What is culturally competent care? These are very important issues for consideration. Nurses are exposed to different cultures are constantly in today, AO society and should be able to provide proper care at the same time respect for the patient, AO cultural background.

Cultural competence in nursing and cultural mix of congruent behaviors, practice relationships, structures and policies suggest that allow nurses to work effectively in cross-cultural situation. Cultural competence reflects a higher level of knowledge than cultural sensitivity, which was once thought all that was necessary for nurses to effectively care for their patients (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2004).

Culturally competent care should be the basis for all the care that nurses provide, especially when caring for the patient, cultural background differs from the nurse. Care is designed for a particular patient, based on the uniqueness of his or her culture, including cultural norms and values of AO culturally competent care. This assistance should include strategies to empower patients in making decisions related to his or her health behavior. Culturally competent care should be provided with sensitivity and respect for the cultural identity of the patient (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2004).

Hispanic woman is 35-year-old Spaniard who has agreed to answer questions about its cultural background. She is a first generation Mexican-American whose parents and grandparents emigrated to the U.S. from Mexico in the late 1960's. L. was raised with what she believed traditional Hispanic beliefs and values. She responded to questions about the socio-economic factors, family values, religion and health beliefs and practices. LA based her answers on the cultural beliefs and values that were instilled in her by her parents and grandparents.

Socio-economic factors, says that her family gets into the middle class socio-economic group. She believes that Hispanic communities are represented in all socioeconomic groups. In the community where she grew up, LD? The family was considered very wealthy because they owned their own business. LA believes in the community, most Hispanic population falls just above the poverty line below the poverty level. When asked why she thinks it's the way LA answered? We have a big family and support our extended families. When you earn $ 60.000 a year and only support a family of three or four can live comfortably, but when you earn that same $ 60.000 and support for 11:50 people find it difficult to make ends meet.


When asked about his life, LD said that most activities revolve around religion and family. She said that Latinos tend to want to maintain eye contact, touch, and often in close proximity during a conversation with another person. Garrido (2004) state Spanish, tend to be formalities when addressing each other. Handshake is a common practice between people as a greeting and farewell. Hug and kiss on the check light is also a common greeting practice between women who are close friends or family. In informal, conversations between Spanish speakers are usually loud, fast, and adorned with animated ...
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