Stroop Effect: Aging And Bilingualism

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Stroop Effect: Aging and Bilingualism


The study is based on reaction time of the people that is bilingualism for the naming color word written and the response time in comparison to the age of the participants. For the study, data is collected from hundred people on random basis. The results of the study shows that both the hypothesis are rejected that age of participants do not affect performance on naming color word and the ages of the participants do not affect the response time of the participants.

Table of Contents


Literature Review5




Limitations and Future Directions11


Stroop Effect: Aging and Bilingualism


Significance of Study

The study is related to the stroop effect which is an experimental psychological phenomenon that occurs in mental processing conflicts. It shows that trained actions occur almost automatically, while for unusual actions greater attention is needed. This study particularly focuses on the performance on naming color word written in incongruent ink color that is bilingualism and also the response time in context of age.


The aim of the study is known the reaction time of the people that is bilingualism for the naming color word written and the response time in comparison to the age of the participants.

Research Questions

Does participants' age affect their performance on naming color-word written in incongruent ink color?

What the effect that the age will have on their response time and if the participant is bilingual it would increase or decrease the response time?


Hypothesis 1: Participant age will be positively correlated to response time in the color-irrelevant condition, such that as age increases so will participant response time.

Hypothesis 2: Reaction time in the color-irrelevant condition will be greater for monolingual participants than bilingual participants.


The variables that are used in the study are mentioned below;

Dependent Variable = Age of the participants

Independent Variables = Performance on naming color word written in incongruent ink color and the response time

Literature Review

In psychology, the Stroop effect refers to the interference observed between a primary task and process cognitive. The reaction time is the time required to identify the color with which the word is written - is much longer when the word is incongruent (the word “blue” written in “red”) when the word is congruent (the word “red” written in red) or neutral (the word “lion” in red). The percentage of errors (that is blue when the word “blue” is written in red) is also higher in the presence of incongruent words. So, there is a semantic interference effect or Stroop effect, caused by the reading of the word automatic.

In context of bilingualism, the Stroop interference effect is a method for measuring the inclination of the individual interference color - word interference. Stroop had this procedure in the following testing by Wilhelm Wundt, James McKeen Cattell and others developed the color naming experiments using color palettes, and color-word templates to include the conflicting stimuli in the same test task. He explained that the designation of the color of a visually presented word is slowed down if the content is contrary to the Word of color, for ...
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