Taser Related Death

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Taser Related Death


The use of tasers by police in the U.S. was associated with 152 deaths since 2001, according to a report released Tuesday, Amnesty International. The report notes that the hardest part of electricity Taser unarmed subjects who pose no serious threat to police officers or civilians, then during the discharge of weapons. The use of tasers is in vogue. According to the manufacturer, more than 5 000 security agencies in the United States and Canada have acquired consider an alternative to using firearms, and more effective than other "non-lethal weapons" and could be rollers, combs and toxic substances. Many of them were electrocuted, and in the control and / or received more power. The report points to a systematic abuse of Tasers by police and prisons, the documentation of its use in mentally ill children, pregnant women and elderly. The problem with the taser is its own virtue. Are all humans capable of receiving a discharge of 50 000 volts for 5 seconds without losing his life?

Amnesty International has warned that the registration of unwanted deaths in cases that have involved these guns is growing. It also highlights the general policy of using tasers as a routine compliance tool on the issues that passive resistance, or simply not seen as relevant orders (Dennis and Valentino, Pp: 581-90). Amnesty International has also documented the use of tasers prison guards and interrogators "terrorism" as a form of punishment, degradation and torture. While the authorities set a criterion on these devices the manufacturer, Taser International, fills the coffers. A new type of weapon is being built with increasing frequency in equipping the preventive police (Ijames, pp. 51-55). These are the stun guns or tasers (according to British nomenclature) (USA Amnesty International's concerns about TASER, Pp: 78-99). Discussion

The Taser guns (initials of Thomas A. Swift Electric Rifle), are held by the hand guns that fire two darts electric needle tip to a distance of about 25 feet. Each time you press the trigger, darts connected to electric wires to the gun, give the person who receives a 50,000-volt shock for five seconds. Shot can penetrate up to two inches on clothing and can be activated as often as necessary during the life of the guns of the battery (Butterfield, Pp: 45-104). Rifle, Taser man pauses, pressing the power over-stimulating the nervous system, causing uncontrollable muscle contraction and incapacitates the subject. An estimated 80,000 to 100,000 people were shocked by the Taser gun during the confrontation as a result of the 1998 Act, which was available on the market. Around this weapon has generated a controversy that has reached the international human rights. The gun manufacturer, Taser International, said on their official website that this is a new model of "non-lethal device, invented by Jack Cover patent and marketed by brothers Rick and Tom Smith. In 1994, the Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives Snuff United States (known by its acronym ATF) certified that the first version of this gun was not a firearm ...
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