Texting While Driving A Deathly Danger

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Texting while driving a deathly danger

Thesis statement.

“Texting while driving a deathly danger”.


Cell phones are such part of everyday life for numerous Americans that most no longer believe about dragging wireless telephone out to drive, text or message; it is just natural. Unfortunately, the inclination to only drive text or answer to them is unsafe when driving. (Beede, & Kass, 2006, 421)

With mobile phone technology that provides the ability to send text to other phones, talking has gone mobile. Like its predecessor, text messages can be very hazardous and dangerous especially while driving, sending a text message from a cell phone while driving a car is more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Many accidents have been caused by negligence because the driver was texting while driving. There is legislation to prohibit this, but some drivers violate teens still think they can multitask both.

A study indicated that sending an SMS to 35% decrease the average reaction time of driver, and drivers who have consumed the permissible limit of alcohol or smoke, so that we can summarize send an SMS driving is more dangerous than marijuana or drinking alcohol!

A new study by the University of Utah says, that people who send text messages while driving has six times more likely to be involved in a car accident. Motorists who send text messages while driving are apparently responsible for 86f accidents that occur while driving the vehicle, compared with only 14f participants who drive without distractions. (Drews, 2008, 400)

Text messages have an impact not only on collisions, but also affect overall driving skills. In this study, we found that participants took longer to apply the brakes while driving and using text messaging as compared to participants who drove without distractions. On the other hand, drivers who used text messaging ...
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