The Assignment Is An Exam Composes Of Five Questions They Need To Be Fully Explain.

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The Assignment is an exam composes of five questions they need to be fully explain.

The Assignment is an exam compose of five questions they need to be fully explain



The Palestine Liberation Organization is amongst one of the best known terrorists organizations in the world. It is held by world known terrorists, Yasser Arafat. It was created in 1964 with passing a voice in Palestinian Congress to give a voice to Palestinians residing in refugee camps in Lebanon. Initially in 1967 immediately after Arab-Israel war, charged were given to various fedayeen militia groups; the most prominent of them was Yasser Arafat Al-Falah. In 1969, Arafat took charge of PLO's and he is still heading it. By year 1980, it separated into several groups but remains the preeminent Palestinian organization. It creates terrorism in the world with huge terrorist attacks.

Muslim Brotherhood

Muslim Brotherhood came into existence in Egypt in 1928. Their main purposes were: (1) to introduce and hold shariah worldwide and (2) To re-birth the imperial Islamic state (caliphate). The Brotherhood's creed is: “God is our objective; the Koran is our law; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; and Death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.”

It is clear from the creed that violence is vital to their tactics. Muslim Brotherhood is the root of all the major terrorist groups operating in the world today. Society of Muslim Brothers is the world most influencing and one of the largest Islamists movements, and it is the largest political opposition organization holding among many states of Arab. Its idea gained recognition and supporters throughout the Arabs and other Islamists groups with its political activism model with Islamic charity work. It's evolve around slogan “Islam is the solution”


HAMAS founded in late 1987 as a radical Islamic fundamentalist organization became active in initial stages of the intifada, majorly operating in Gaza District as well as in Judea and Samaria. It came from Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It was established for pursuing goals of creating Palestinian State in place of Israel and it has used some terrorism with means of political and violence across. Initially it was amongst smaller member but in January 2006, it won a majority seats in the Palestinian Legislature.Hezbollah

Hezbollah came into existence in 1982 as a result of Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and to classified members into group called as Islamic Jihad. Iranian Revolution inspired them and Iran's Revolutionary Guards trained them. It is Shi'a Muslim political party and militant group based in Lebanon. It's being supported politically and financially from Iran and Syria, and its major resistance movement is throughout much of the Arab and Muslim worlds, covering partly United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Australia, Israel and Canada as a terrorist organizations.


Difference between all these groups is that Hamas and PLO are groups associated with Palestinians with Hamas merely based upon principles of Islamic fundamentalism and PLO merely nationalism, Muslim Brotherhood associated with Egyptian, Hezbollah associated with Lebanon ...
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