The Book Of Daniel

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The Book of Daniel


The prophecies of the Bible are as rare diamonds lying hidden in the solitude of the mine. The practiced eye of the prospector discovers the gems, and intuitively reads their value; and the skillful hand of the lapidary brings out their many-faced beauties in all their sparkling glory. Every facet shines like the sun. One cannot exhaust a diamond; neither can one exhaust the prophecies. New facets remain to be polished their brilliant reflection to the whole. In the prophecies as many features appear as there are different temperaments that men bring to their study.

It is important to note that Daniel and his friends stood on their principles right from the start. Often when people confronted error, corruption, and false teaching, they are inclined to compromise at first and then cannot get back to the correct position. It is of utmost importance to take the correct standpoint right from the beginning. Daniel and his friends did this and God honored them for it. He will do the same with everyone who obeys Him and gives Him first place in their lives (Riches, 2007).


Daniel, a Prophet Par Excellence

Few men who ever inhabited our earth came near him, in either piety or prophetic revelation. Some of his visions were of such a nature that, if you will pardon the expression, “they knocked the legs from under him”. Daniel is popular as a modern-day prophet, although he lived some twenty-six hundred years ago, but his practices profited by many of the upcoming generation. His character should be observed closely if one needs to know about the secrets of God's preparation of those who are close to him and his beliefs. Daniel is specifically the Prophet of “The times of the Gentiles” - (Luke 21:24). His vision extends across the entire course of World-government (such a familiar term again in our day and not without the greatest significance) of the 'Gentiles' up until its disastrous chaos, and the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom on earth. In order to unlock the secrets regarding history, it is important to understand his prophecies. While reading the book of Daniel, it should be kept in mind that Christ is the centre of decrees of God. He is considering as the heart of everything. Everything Christ has accomplished and done as if His Glory, Majesty and victory are the focus of all the dealings of God on this earth. God has chosen nation Israel is considered second after the Christ, which includes all the twelve tribes. The bible has mentioned other nations but only if they linked to Israel. Daniel saw the rise and the disappearance of the heathen nations, as well as the systems, which are in conflict with God. This is only mentioned as far as Israel is involved. God has mentioned to bring about the end of those nations and systems but not to Israel. It says that God will perish the evil and disobedient ...
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