The Concept Of Virtue

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The Concept of VIRTUE

The Concept of Virtue

The Concept of Virtue

The concept of virtue is a fundamental building block for the moral philosophy of Aristotle, which occurs primarily in three projects: the moral high, moral Evdimeia and Nicomachean Ethics. According to Düring, «Moral to the large Aristotle aimed at young listeners and throws the weight of argument in logic and classification; moral Evdimeia, excluding the introduction, it is science lesson for advanced listeners College; and the Nicomachean Ethics is a report not without literary impetus to a large circle of listeners and readers . This study of the Aristotelian concept of virtue is based on the third of them. (Virvidakis, 2003)

The ethics of Aristotle, therefore, is clearly teleological; "morality, in his view, lies in certain acts done, not because they are good in themselves, but because it will bring us closer to" human resource ". The best human resource and captured by the philosopher stageiriti as a set of "skills and activities of rational self-determination" which manifests itself through the cultivation of virtues. What do however virtues? And what is that "excellent and teleiotati, through which captured the highest good? First Aristotle describes the virtues as those moods that are worthy of praise, and a separate intellectual and moral virtues as part of the rational soul from which they originated. According to Aristotle's conception of the mental step of the soul, this is "a reasonable amount (which in turn is divided in theoretical and practical word word) and a horse, which are passions, desires and desire ". Mental principles correspond to the theoretical discourse and ethical in its practice. Moreover, the intellectual virtues are based primarily in teaching - and thus require experience and time to development - and the moral virtues based on custom. Later given a precise definition of moral virtue:

"Esti hence the exis virtue voluntary Being in the midway to us, and that a certain number as if the wise oriseien" (Aristotle, 1993)

The first component of this definition is the concept of following. According to this, the moral virtues are neither natural nor unnatural for a human is anyone's ability to acquire, but this can only happen through addiction. The starting point for the formation of habits is the pleasure and the sadness we feel after each practice. By carrying out repeated virtuous acts gradually shaped our ethos. The logical consequence of the correlation ethos the ethical acts ...
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